Lily’s eyes narrowed as she faced him.

“Is there any particular reason you’re here,” she said as she forced a small smile to appear civil. I knew he was putting her on edge though.

I hated this new student, ever since I’d first met him after Lily had said he’d caused her nightmare. I’d met him at breakfast, and he’d made my skin crawl too.

His presence now made my blood boil, and I didn’t trust him in the slightest.

“Just wanted to see if I could maybe help,” Charlie smirked as he strode closer to Lily.

I took a step forward, causing the demon to pull up and raise an eyebrow at me.

“Relax, heel, I’m not going to hurt her,” he snickered.

My hellhound clawed at the surface, begging to be set free and tear into this wretched demon.

“I don’t need any help, thanks.”

“Sure you do, you’re still trying to throw the hellfire. I’ve been studying past hellfire students, I can give you some tips.” Charlie moved closer to Lily.

“Really, I’m good. I don’t want help.”

“C’mon, everyone needs a little help. Let me show you how to throw it properly.” He moved closer, reaching out to take her arm.

I snarled as I lurched forward, the thought of him touching her making my own hellfire ignite my body.

Lily burst into flames as she jerked away from him, and Chumley ignited as well, his horns protruding as he shot forward.

“Whoah, relax!” Charlie threw up his hands. But that prick was smirking as he backed away.

I stepped in front of Lily to shield her naked form from him as she got her hellfire under control as Charlie walked off with a bounce in his step.

Even I could tell he’d been trying to test us, to see how we’d react to him. Asshole.

We watched him closely, and I had to grit my elongated teeth and dig my claws into my palms to keep from going after him. How dare he distress her like that? Why was he goading us?

“Fucking wanker,” Lily hissed once she had her fire under control.

“What’s his end game?” Chumley muttered, and I finally glanced over at him, noting how his horns had withdrawn now. Chum and I still had remnants of our burned jeans hanging off us to hide our private areas, but Lily was stark naked. I made sure not to let my gaze wander as I turned away. I was too busy being pissed at Charlie anyway.

“No idea, I don’t trust him at all,” I muttered as I willed my teeth to return to normal.

“I think we should call it for today,” Chum said quickly as Lily covered herself with her arms. “Let’s head inside and get you dressed.”

She nodded, and we shielded her naked form as we took her to her room. Fuming, I flung her bedroom door open, scowling over my shoulder as Chumley ushered her in.

“I don’t get what’s with him,” Lily muttered angrily as she strode over to the shower.

“Did he touch you?” I snapped as I yanked the door shut and followed after her. I was fairly sure I’d gotten in the way before he could, but the thought of his fingers on her had me boiling.

I did my best not to glance over her naked figure, but I couldn’t stop myself when she spun on me.

“I won’t ever let that demon touch me. He makes my skin crawl. I don’t know why, but I’ll find out,” she hissed.

I just stared at her, at the fire burning in those emerald eyes as she stood before me.

Oh boy.

I gritted my teeth as my body reacted for some reason. Was it seeing her looking so primal and full of fire that had triggered it?