“It’s just too weird,” she said as she stared down at the lilies in her hands like they’d give her the answers.
“As weird as having a nightmare and setting you bed on fire?” Bug stated, and I gave him an odd look that Jack mirrored.
“You set your bed on fire?” Jack questioned.
“Are you okay?” I asked quickly, and she softened as she nodded.
“I’m fine, thanks.”
“What was the nightmare about?” Jack pressed.
“Charlie,” Bug spoke up for her, and I shared a look with Jack. Who the hell was that?
“He’s a new demon student, just makes me uneasy, that’s all,” Lily said quickly.
“Why?” Jack asked.
“No idea, maybe just because he’s a demon.”
“He makes Chum and I uneasy as well. I don’t like it,” Bug muttered.
“Well, guess we’ll keep an eye on him then,” I growled softly. If he made Lily uneasy, then I wasn’t going to shrug it off.
She just shook her head and frowned.
“So, back to this sharing thing…” she murmured, changing the topic.
“I know for a fact we’re all okay with it, it’s up to you now,” Jack assured her.
“You would really be okay with it? All of you?” she checked as she glanced around at all of us. Chum would agree as well if he was here, we all knew that.
“Yes.” I nodded, as did the other two, and she pursed her lips as she pondered it.
“I guess… god, this is weird… but I guess we could try,” she said hesitantly after a moment.
“Good, that’s all we can ask for,” Jack grinned at her.
“What were you guys doing anyway?” she asked as she looked between Jack and I.
“We needed to deliver a message in person,” Jack said quickly. It was what we’d agreed to tell her for now. She’d find out soon enough.
“Okay.” She was puzzled by this, but let it go as we headed off to breakfast and our classes, falling back into our standard routine.
The afternoon came around quickly, and I sat in the music room with Lily as I listened to her tune on the flute before I began playing the piano. She sat on the piano bench with me, smiling as she watched me play.
Having her beside me made me feel strangely complete and at home. She was my anchor, the one I found myself constantly drawn to.
And I’d learned that all the others had kissed her.
She’d loved her lilies I’d gotten her, and she was now wearing the dress Jack had bought her. It suited her well with it’s high neckline and pronounced waist, ending just above her knees.
“I still have your rock,” she said suddenly when I finished my piece.
I couldn’t help it as I smiled dumbly at the comment. I had wondered what she’d done with it.
“I’m learning more about… everything. I should’ve gotten you something more meaningful,” I murmured, cringing at the reminder of my odd little gift.