Page 58 of Dual Wielding

The rest of the day was bedlam.Because I hadn’t been part of the original schedule, I found myself running from person to person, delivering messages, standing in, and fixing last minute issues that sprang up if the person responsible was busy with something else.

Dustin’s presentation was a hit, and when he was done, the booth was busier than ever.

By the time Brandon and I got home, we were drained.We barely managed to strip out of our clothes before crashing in bed.

Tuesday was more of the same.Not that I minded.Most of the people at Aces were good company, and the work was the right kind of challenging.But at the end of the day, Brandon had traded in easy going for a non-stop scowl, and I was ready for tomorrow to get here and be gone.

On Wednesday, I was working security again, this time with Nigel, when a familiar voice saidbooin my ear.I grinned and turned to face Reese.“You made it.”I gave her a quick hug.

“Like I was going to miss this spectacle?”She pointed toward the back of the exhibitor hall.“There’s a guy over there, ripped as fuck, wearing flesh-colored briefs and nothing else.Don’t tell me he’s one of your characters.”

“He’s probably a Titan,” Nigel said.“Naked, but way more naked than you expected?”

Reese scrunched up her nose—so adorable—“I guess?”

“Titan.”Nigel sounded certain.

I wasn’t arguing with a guy who could juggle knives when he was drunk.

“What are the odds one or both of you can break away for lunch?”Reese asked.

“I’m good, thanks,” Nigel said.“Oh.Wait.You didn’t mean me.”

I suppressed a chuckle.“You can join us if you want.”

He shook his head.“I’m good, thanks,” he repeated.

Reese looked at me expectantly.

“Maybe?”I shrugged.Things weren’t as busy today as they had been, but that was the difference between a loud roar and a dull roar.“I might beg you to grab me something instead.And I have no idea where Brandon is.”

She squeezed my fingers.“I’ll text him.What do you want?”

“There’s a pizza place out in the hall that looks good.”I handed her some cash.

“Be back soon.”

I wasn’t surprised thatsoonwas more than half an hour, but I was happy to see Brandon with Reese when she returned.I got Jeremy to relieve me, and Reese, Brandon, and I ducked into a curtained section of the booth that we’d set aside specifically for employees to get away.The convention still roared immediately on the other side of the fabric, but at least we had a smidgen of privacy.

There wasn’t a lot of talking while we stuffed our faces.My brain was too tired for conversation and Brandon’s was probably the same.

When we finished, Reese asked, “Do you want me to stick around?Or will I be in the way?”

“You’re never in the way.”I did want her here, but I didn’t imagine standing around watching us watch everyone else would be super fun.

“Do you think we have time for a quickie back here?”Brandon’s question came out of nowhere.

I wasn’t sure how to respond.The two of them may be exhibitionists, but our lack of walls were an ill-timed bump from us becoming a live version of the game, if the three of us got down and dirty behind the curtains.

“Brandon?Danny?”Judith’s call saved me from answering Brandon’s question.

Brandon huffed.“Back here.”

Judith joined us, a man by her side.It was a tight fight in here with all five of us.Both of them screamedexecutivein their suits.What would the dude in barely any clothing think of them, and vice versa?

“Reese.I heard you were here, I’m glad.”Judith gestured at the man with you.“This is Dominic Mancini.Best damn contract lawyer there is.”

He extended his hand.“Pleasure to meet you.I understand you’ve got a bit of an issue.”