Page 12 of Dual Wielding

Danny squeezed my hand and brushed his lips over mine.“Be back soon.”

“Thanks.”And in the meantime, I’d hope we were on theat least they used lubeend of the fucked scale, rather than thethey went in dry with both fistsend.



“Hold up.”Brandon’s call brought Danny and me to a stop.As we reached my Jeep.Brandon jogged up to join us.“You owe me a game, Reese.”

He was really pushing this now?Not that I minded, since the question brought back memories of the bet that led to it.Fuck.That kiss.That fucking.

He stepped close enough I could smell his cologne mixed with the faint scent of a day of hard labor.That was way more tempting than it should be.

“Unless you’d like to go for double or nothing.”Brandon’s tone was light, and a smile tugged up one corner of his mouth, but that didn’t stop me from being tempted.

I forced myself to take a step back.“We both already admitted we were in.Double of nothing is nothing.Fix your shit, and I’ll get online when the timing is better.”

Brandon shrugged, and turned to Danny.“If you think you can help, bring your machine too.That is, if you’re interested.”

In a former life, he’d been in cybersecurity like Luna.It was my understanding that she was a master at keeping people out of systems—though apparently not that good—but Danny was a genius at finding out who had already been in a system.

“I’m interested in seeing this shut down,” Danny said.

Brandon pulled Danny in for a long kiss, I felt it in my toes.

“See you soon.”Brandon turned and headed inside.

Danny and I climbed into my Jeep and I headed toward his and Brandon’s place.The silence was weird, but the last few days hadn’t exactly been normal.

“Are we okay?”I glanced sideways at him with the question, to get a gauge of his first reaction.

He twisted his mouth, but he didn’t look surprised or upset.“Should we not be?”

“I mean, I slept with your boyfriend.”

“Pft.”Danny waved a hand.“I do that all the time.”

A laugh slipped out, carried on half-amusement, half-nervousness.“Because he’syourboyfriend.And before you say it, I know you agreed before, but after it happens, feelings can change.”Like mine.Like me wanting to do it again.And maybe again.And maybe with Danny joining in.

I shut the thought down.

Danny squeezed my knee.“We’re good.I promise.”The assurance was genuine.

How did I feel about that?I wanted him more now.We used to be so good together.Used to be—I needed to remember that because I didn’t deserve Danny.

“I’m guessing we’re not on for tonight,” I needed to change the subject.Christmas was my favorite holiday, and Danny usually helped me decorate my apartment.This year, we’d even convinced Brandon to help.

Danny winced.“I don’t know yet, but it’s my goal.”

“In that case, I won’t fill your slot,” I teased.

He grinned.“You’d better not.”

I dropped him off at home, and he promised to give me a call in a few hours and let me know if decorating was still on.

I headed to my apartment.The studio used to be a mother-in-law apartment for the house above me, and the landlord rented it out as a separate house now.It was tiny, but it was clean and the family upstairs was quiet and this was home.

Inside, I kicked off my shoes, pulled my hair into a messy bun, and fitted my earbuds in place, to prep for my first call.