Page 83 of Dual Wielding

Adam and Brandon made us breakfast—French toast, eggs, bacon, the works.It was part of the tradition at their house growing up.The conversation was stilted between them, but there were no snide comments from Brandon.

A few near misses, but it was obvious he was trying.

We talked about Adam’s plans for his new printer.Where he was setting up, and what he wanted to do next.

Danny caught Brandon up on office gossip, which was a week’s worth of silly stories.

Brandon’s expression shifted, not to sad, but more contemplative.“Speaking of work, I’ve been thinking…”

“About what?”Danny’s tone was kind and even and free of assumption.

“I’m going to talk to Judith about my stepping back,” Brandon said.“Have her find someone else to do sound effects and manage the team, and I’ll still do their bigger pieces, but not full time.”

Danny smiled.“That sounds like a good idea.”

“It means I’ll be making less.”

“And I’ll give you the same reassurance you gave me when Iretiredfrom cybersecurity,” Danny said.“We’ll be fine.Hell, we could live strictly off Rinslet dividends at this point.”

The mood returned to happy and light as we finished breakfast and cleaned up.

“I’m going to head out,” Adam announced.“I’d hate to intrude on Brandon’s Magical Manic Boinking time.”

I hadn’t heard the phrase before, but the lightness in his voice when he said it made it that much more ridiculous and fun.

Adam grabbed his coat and looked at me.“When you need help moving your stuff in, call me.”

“I don’t know…” I pretended to slide intothoughtful.“Adam made me so many pretties, maybe I should be with him.”

Between Danny’s and Brandon’s raised eyebrows and Adam’s look of terror, it was nearly impossible for me to keep a straight face.

Adam shook his head so hard I was worried might fall off.“Nope.Don’t get me wrong, you’re hot, but there’s no way I’m coming between you and them.”

I wanted to wink and blow him a kiss, but I couldn’t hold in the laughter.

“Don’t tease him.”Brandon’s reprimand lacked force.

Adam rolled his eyes.“Definitelynot getting in the middle of this.Ciao.”He waved over his shoulder and walked out the door.

“Speaking of going…” Danny’s tone shifted to serious.“I don’t want you to, Reese.Go back to your place, that is.Not long term.”

I didn’t either.Not without them.“Is it weird that I’m already used to waking up next to you?”

“And I have to admit I hate not doing so.Waking up next to both of you.”Brandon closed the distance between us, and tilted my chin up.“Thank you for not giving up on me, and for being there for Danny when I was a dick.I’m so glad you’re you, and that you came back into his life—our lives—and I love you.It kind of scares me, but in a good way, because I love you as much as I do Danny, just in a different way.”

Now I understood exactly how the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes.The swelling in my chest was an amazing feeling, and I had to be lighting up the room from my glow.I rose on my toes and brushed my lips over his.“I love you too.So much, even though we’re the most soap opera worthy threesome ever.Pretty sure this was a plot inDays of Our Lives.”

Brandon smirked.“Or a Heart song.”

“Holy goddess.”Inspiration struck.“I know how the song ends.”I grabbed both their hands and tugged them toward the music room.

Brandon pulled us to a stop.“I should warn you before you go in there.”He winced.

He hadn’t.My drums?I tugged away and ran into the room, pulling up short when I saw they weren’t there, and neither were most of the guitars.

“I promise they’re all right.”Brandon’s sheepish voice came from behind.“I couldn’t look at them, but I couldn’t hurt them either.They’re in the shed.”

I’d known the situation was bad, but his confession drove homehow bad.Thankfully we were moving past that.