Page 78 of Dual Wielding

Maybe Reese was right.Maybe I was more of a Scrooge than Grinch.“There is one thing.”

“I knew it.”

“Ifyou’re taking clients, and you’re willing to accept extra for a rush job, I want to be the first job you use that for.”

Adam studied me, jaw set.

“I swear to you—cross my heart—I’m being genuine.Charge me your rush rate.”

He sighed, but a smile peeked through.“Fine.What is it you want?”

I helped Adam move the printer inside, and explained my commission request.When I left, I felt better than I had in a long time.I still had more things to take care of, and this was exhausting, but there was one thing that was more important than anything else.Getting Danny back.

I had a plan and a surprise.To help prove I meant it and this wasn’t just words.I needed a little bit of help though.Just a teensy amount.

I called Reese.

“You’re lucky I picked up,” she greeted me.

Fair point.“Did you tell Danny it was me on the phone?”

“He’s not here, but there’s no fucking way I’m using your name around him until he’s ready.”

That hurt.I deserved it.“Will the two of you be at your place Friday night?”

“Christmas Eve?Yes.”

Favor time.“When I show up on your doorstep, give me a chance to make things right before you slam the door in my face?”Yes, I called her specifically to ask that.

“What was it you said?Fuck you.”There was no anger or power in her retort.

“I’m sorry.About that.About a lot of things.”I was going to be apologizing for a while.“Please?”

She sighed.“For Danny.Not for you.Don’t make me regret it.”

“I won’t.”

The next few days were eternally long.Almost like waiting for Christmas as a kid, but I was asking Santa for more than I ever had.Fortunately, I had a lot to do to keep my mind busy, and even with Adam’s help, we were cutting things close.

Friday night when I knocked on Reese’s door, my pulse was hammering in my ears and I was more nervous than I’d been in a long time.

Danny answered.He took one look at me, and shut the door in my face.



Let him in.

Tell him you don’t care about the fight.

Give him a kiss that would break world records.

The words hammered in my ears in time with my pulse.

“You have to talk to him eventually.”Reese’s voice wove through it all.

She’d known who was out there.Asked me to get the door.I should probably be bothered by that, but I couldn’t think past the shock.Past the fear that with Brandon here, I’d do something I regretted.