Page 67 of Dual Wielding

“But Danny wants to find one.Just one.”I really was bad at this.

Brandon clenched his jaw.“He has one.I love him, he loves me.How is that not a reason?”

“Do you think your dad didn’t love you?”

“Don’t try to psychoanalyze me.You suck at it.”

“Fine.”I let out a growl of frustration both at me and him.“How about I be blunt, then?I don’t want to see you broken up, and it’s only partly because it kills me to see Danny hurting.The two of you are amazing together.Pull your head out of your ass, consider what he’s asking of you, and decide if your stubbornness is worth the cost of losing him.”

“Get the fuck out.Now.”



I was numb.I had to be.It was the only way to make it through Friday.Through Reese’s sympathy.Through being conscious.

When Adam called me on Saturday, I almost didn’t answer.Not because of him, but he made me think of Brandon and if I did that for too long, this carefully crafted bubble of Novocain would crumble.

This wasn’t his fault in any way.“Hello?”I answered.

“Hey.Um… how are you?”

“I’ve been better.What’s up?”

“What’s wrong?”Adam asked.

Telling Reese was hard.Adam was a good guy, but he wasn’t alet me air my dirty laundry with youkind of friend.If he was asking, he didn’t know what happened between Brandon and I, which meant he probably still wasn’t speaking with his brother either.“Some stuff.”I’m coping.The words nearly choked me.

“I need a favor, please.I hate to ask, I know you’ve done so much, but I don’t dare ask Brandon—I don’t care if you tell him, just don’t get him involved—and I don’t want my friends to see me if I flip out and—”

“What’s up?”I was not only curious, but helping Adam meant I didn’t have to think about my own problems.

He sighed.“Richard called me.From jail.He wants me to visit.He wants to talk to me.”


“Yeah.I don’t know what to think, but I need to confront him.I was hoping you’d go with me.Moral support or some shit.”

Sounded like a weird outing, but it was a distraction.Adam let me pick the time, and it made the most sense for me to go while Reese was working.She didn’t need me staring at her and moping while she was talking to clients.

I met Adam in the parking lot.This entire place was intimidating, which was another distraction from the bleakness that had moved into my heart.Inside, we were processed and shown to a waiting room.A moment later, Richard was shown in from another door.He took a seat across from us.

He and Adam stared at each other as seconds ticked away.

“I’m sure you have a lot of questions,” Richard finally said.

“Just one.Why?”

Richard dropped his head so his chin rested against his chest.“I made a few bad business deals.More than a few.Before I met you.What you’re doing really is incredible, I was honest about that.But I’m in so far over my head… I’m drowning and I couldn’t find my way to the surface.”

I couldn’t imagine that being in here helped, especially with the charges he’d face for opening fire on the police, but I kept my mouth shut.

“I panicked when I saw the bills stacking up, and that insurance money on the workshop was so tempting,” Richard said.“I thought I had it figured out.That I knew exactly how to start the fire so they wouldn’t know it was me.”

Adam stared at him, eyes wide.“Fucking hell, dude.I lost so much work.I could’ve been killed.I… I can’t even.”

“I know.I’m sorry.”