Page 44 of Dual Wielding

“I’ll make coffee.Don’t go back to sleep.See you in the office?”Danny said.

Brandon pulled a pillow over his face.“Sure.”


But I got to wake up with Danny.I couldn’t think of anything that felt more right.As we headed toward the kitchen, I pinched his butt.

He yelped and swatted playfully at my hand.“What was that for?”

“I had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.”

He grasped my wrist and kissed my fingertips.“Nope.It’s real.”

Every touch and kiss between his place and mine was just as vivid, and just as dreamlike.I was so fucking smitten.I wasn’t going to fuck this up again.Nope.Nope.Nope.

Danny dropped me off at my place and promised to give me a call later.I headed inside, sang in the shower, and grabbed my phone to see if I could pick up any spare work for the day.

While I was scrolling through listings, someone knocked.I answered the door to find a man on the other side who was holding a clipboard.“Reese Ellis?”

“That’s me.”

He handed me a few stapled papers.“Have a nice day.”He turned and left.

I barely needed to see the text up top to know Todd was making good on his threat to sue me.Sure enough, his name was in thePlaintiffbox and I was theDefendant.At least Danny’s name wasn’t on here.I sent him a text letting him know he was in the clear.

His reply came through quickly.Are you okay though?

I’ll be fine, I replied.This was my mess to clean up.That penance owed for a serious mistake.

Next up, I took scans of the legal complaint and emailed them to Josh Hunter.He was a lawyer I’d met at a free legal clinic the city offered.He was only supposed to answer questions during the clinic time, but he tended to be available for me whenever I needed to talk about my contract.

It sucked that he couldn’t do more than answer questions, like take my case, but I didn’t expect anyone to work for free.

I was useless for the few hours his reply took, even though I had a good idea of what he would say.Even though I wasn’t responsible for the video that was posted, I’d violated my contract by performing at the Christmas party.

Josh’s reply confirmed my fears.He told me what to write in my official response, and warned me that if there was a lot of back and forth, I would need legal representation.If Todd pushed the issue too hard, this could cost me upwards of one-hundred thousand dollars or more.

I’m sorry I can’t do more for you, Josh wrote at the end of the email.

It wasn’t his fault any more than it was Danny’s.It wasn’t anyone’s fault but my own.

And Todd’s.Fucking Todd.



Adam knockingon the bedroom door, calling, “Hey, you up?”dragged me from sleep.

I groaned and forced my eyes open, but that didn’t mean they wanted to focus.The9on the clock made me groan louder.Fuck, I’d fallen back asleep after Danny woke me up.

“Yeah, I’m here.”I pushed out the words and made myself sit.Stumbling to my feet was next, and I shook away more of the haze of sleep as I reached the door and opened it.“What’s up?”

Adam handed me his phone.“It’s for you.”


“You went back to sleep, didn’t you?”Danny’s question was light rather than accusing.