Page 4 of Dual Wielding

Ugh, I needed to blow off some steam, but didn’t know where.“Dinner?”

“I need to change first.”Reese gestured at her costume.

“That’s a given,” Danny agreed.

Fortunately, we had reservations somewhere else.Their playing didn’t include rooms for the night, and if I was paying, I was staying somewhere I didn’t expect roaches as guests.Reese was crashing in our room.She’d given up arguing a while ago that I picked up the tab while they were on the road.

We drove a whole two blocks to where we were staying, and headed to our room.

As we stepped inside, Reese was already stripping off the lavender wig she performed in.She moved into the bathroom to brush out her hair.

“Think if I offered Todd the blowjob of a lifetime, and delivered, he’d put in at least a little effort for our next booking?”The acoustics of tile and Formica distorted her voice and put a warped spin on her sarcasm.

I couldn’t sit.Too much unease bounced inside me.“Somehow I don’t think a lack of being blown is his problem.I’m not saying he is or isn’t getting enough, just that the two probably aren’t related.”

I pulled Danny close, inhaling the scents of sweat and cologne with anticipation.Maybe we could stay in and fuck.Reese was welcome to watch; she had before.

“Maybe it’s worth a shot,” Reese said.“I do have magical lips.”

I wouldn’t argue that her mouth made beautiful sounds, but that wasn’t what she was saying.“But are theyget off your ass and do your fucking joblips?”I asked.

Danny shook his head, a smile on his face, and kissed me playfully before moving out of reach.At least he was enjoying some of this.The banter or the physical touch?I wasn’t sure.

Reese emerged from the bathroom, the leather jacket from her stage outfit dangling from one finger.Which left her in a tank top that showed off generous cleavage, and those sexy as fuck jeans.She looked at Danny.“Magical lips.Yes or no?”

He held up his hands in surrender.“Yes.But also, I’m not saying anything.”

“Excuse me?”I feigned disbelief.This conversation was ridiculous, but I liked the underlying challenge with Reese.And that disquieted part of me insisted this had the potential to escalate.“I have amazing lips too.”

“Also true,” Danny said.“But I’m still staying out of this conversation.”

Reese smirked and focused on me.“You would not out-blow me.”

I’d probably given as many blow jobs as she had, especially considering the kinds of things my colleagues and I got up to at the first software company I worked for, but me insisting she was wrong didn’t prove anything.It only prolonged the argument.I itched for action.“Put your money where your mouth is.”

“I’m not blowing you.”Reese scoffed.

The night was still young.“A kiss.Simple as that.To prove which one of us has more magical lips.”

She should shut me down right about now, but she was more competitive than I was.I’d been stupid to suggest anything, but the proposal was out there and now I was thinking about it the results.What did Reese kiss like?

She twisted her mouth and furrowed her brow.“Intriguing.I kiss you, you kiss me, and… ?”

It wasn’t my best thought out plan—unusual for me—but I couldn’t let the idea go.This was a bet and we needed stakes.“If you can convince me you’re such a great kisser, I’ll go Christmas shopping at the mall with the two of you.”She started pushing the idea a month ago.To wear me down, I assume.

“Fine.”Reese flipped her brown hair over one shoulder, watching me the entire time.“If you prove you’re Mister Master Mouth, I’ll play your game.”

She meant the MMO I’d written the music for.The one that was currently in beta, that she’d been avoiding for months.

“I’m doing some math here, don’t hate me,” Danny said, “And that means technically you could both win.”

“Technically, yes.”I wasn’t so completely reckless that I’d fuck things up with him, though.“You okay with this?”

He snorted.“Seriously?”Danny was an unabashed voyeur.

“Yes, seriously.”For that moment, all of the playfulness vanished from Reese’s voice.

“Fuckinghot,” Danny said.“Yes.I’m great with it.Make out until your hearts are content.”