Page 24 of Dual Wielding


I grumbled a string of expletives under my breath.My contract was basic enough it didn’t give me any loopholes, but it provided dozens of chances for him to take advantage of me.I might understand at least a little if he was booking me high paying gigs and keeping a large cut, but this wasn’t doing anything for him either.It couldn’t possibly be.

And now we’d have the same conversation we had every few months, and it wouldn’t end any differently than it ever did.“Let me out of the contract, Todd.This arrangement isn’t helping either of us.”I kept my tone as cool and emotionless as possible, despite wanting to rage and call him a fucking idiot.Last few times I’d done that, the gigs got worse.“This isn’t making you any more money than it is me.”

“It’s not about the money.”

“What is it about?”Not that I expected him to tell me.He never had.

“I’ve gotta go.I’ll email you your next gig when I have one.”

Fucker.“What if I decide not to show up?”

“Then I’ll sue you for breach of contract.”

I screamed internally.This was like slamming my head into a brick wall over and over again.“Then just let me out of the fucking contract.”

“No.Talk to you soon, Reese.”He hung up.

I resisted the urge to throw my phone against the wall—I couldn’t afford a new one—but I did scream at the top of my lungs.Fortunately, no one was home upstairs.

The contract was brutal in its simplicity.It said Todd owned all of my performances, in any format, live, tape, or otherwise, for the length of the contract.

The problem was, the contract didn’t state a length or offer any terms for getting out of it.He’d offered to let me buy my way out a few times, always for a ridiculous amount of money.

Over the next couple of hours, both of my calls canceled on me.Instead of working, I spent hours searching for answers about my contract.I’d done this as well before, but every once in a while I stumbled on a new piece of information, or a new contact who was willing to give me a little bit of advice for free.

None of it had panned out yet, but I kept hoping.

Today wasn’t going to be my day.By the time I left to pick up Adrienne from work, I was in the most ragey foul mood possible.Cranking the stereo and screaming along at the top of my lungs helped.

I got to the AcesPlayed building and texted Adrienne that I was here.Going inside to get her might ruin the surprise.It was easier to let myself think that, even though Dustin and Phillip would know she was leaving with me, than to admit I didn’t want to see Brandon or Danny.

In this mood, I’d either transfer the frustration to Brandon, or hope one of them was up for an office quickie to release tension.

Such a bad idea.

Adrienne arrived before I could let my mind tug me towardno, it’s okay.Really.One more screw won’t be a big deal.

“Thank you so much for doing this with me.”She hopped into the passenger seat.“I’m so nervous.Where on my body do you think I should get it?”

Thank the goddess for Adrienne.I never had to wonder what she was thinking, and I didn’t have to worry about awkward silence.Between the two of us, we rarely stopped talking.“You haven’t picked?”

“I mean… Yeah, but no?”

The way she made indecision sound so simple lightened my mood a hint.“Most everyone has them on their bicep.”Obvious answer was obvious.But we had to start somewhere, and with any luck, finish before we reached the tattoo place.

“I know, but Sonya did hers on her shoulder blade, and it looks really cool, but a few of the guys said that hurt, but Chris said the arm one hurt too… And I want to be unique.”

“You’re getting the same artwork as almost the entire rest of the office,” I said.“And they jam a needle in your skin over and over, to scar you.That’s how it works.So… I don’t know that you’re on the right path for a unique, pain free experience.”

Adrienne huffed.“I know.But a little less pain and a little more unique would be nice.”

“What about on the outside of your calf or thigh?Don’t think anyone else has one there, and it’s a good place for kissing it better.”

“Ooh, I didn’t consider that.Bicep kisses aren’t super sexy.”

“I mean, it depends on who’s doing the kissing.Maybe your guys aren’t up to snuff.”