“I’m not going to insult your intelligence by rambling on without evidence,” he says. He reaches into his briefcase and pulls out a packet of papers. “Here you go. Official divorce papers. And a restraining order. She’s out of our lives. She’s not allowed near me, you, or the kids.”

“Oh, Spruce,” I say then, as tears fill my eyes. And I do walk forward and embrace him.

He hugs me back tightly. “A monastery, Juney? Really? You wanted to become a nun to get away from me?”

“Well,” I whisper to him. “I kinda messed up. They were about to kick me out, soon—once I tell them about the pregnancy.”

“You’re pregnant?” he asks.

“Uhh. I think so.”

“You think?” he demands.

“Well, I felt a bit awkward asking the nuns to get me a pregnancy test!” I nearly shout at him. “I’ve never missed a period in my life. So… it’s likely, yes.”

“That’s wonderful news, sweetheart,” he says, hugging me close and kissing my forehead.

“Hey, at least I haven’t been drinking, right?” I say to him, jokingly.

“I think you’d make a great nun, honestly,” Spruce tells me. “You could stay here—but I don’t think they would appreciate your specialty lingerie as much as I do.”

“I was going to design a whole line just for nuns,” I tell him. “With religious puns. I think it would be a big hit.”

Spruce laughs softly. “Juniper, you are so crazy. Please come home.”

“Okay,” I answer softly.