“It sounds like you were really lucky to have her,” I tell him. “Maybe people like that are rare, bright stars, and they just burn up all their light more quickly than most, because of how wonderful they are. And all you can hope is to stand in their glow for a little while, and soak up their warmth—because it disappears so fast. But she is never really gone, as long as you continue to love her.”
The man stares at me in the dark, with an intense look. He touches my cheek, with featherlight fingertips. “You are so sweet, Clara. You are the first person to make me feel like I’m still alive, with a heart beating in my chest, and not just a empty shell of a man, with a lump of coal in my chest.”
I press my palm against his ribcage and smile. “Well, I’m no doctor, but I think you’re very much alive, Mr. Claus. I definitely feel a strong, healthy heart beating somewhere in there.”
“Really?” he asks, placing his hand over mine. “Well, perhaps you revived it. Because I’m pretty sure it was completely dead a few minutes ago.”
“Nope. It was working all along. And I think it’s going to be strong and healthy for many years to come. And it might even have some more love to give, eventually,” I tell him. “Or receive.”
“Well, that is a promising prognosis,” he says, placing a kiss against my forehead, and then my nose, and then my lips. “Thank you for examining me, Mrs. Claus.”
I find myself kissing him back, and getting lost in the warmth and taste of his lips.
Then he pulls away and looks at me with an intensity that makes my stomach twist.
“On second thought, maybe I am ready to do this,” he says, in a husky voice.
Oh my. Something in my chest does flip flops at the combination of the look in his eyes and the sound of his voice.
Annnnnnd we’re back on.