He nods. “So why don’t you tell me a little about home? And your family? So I know what to expect.”
My favorite subject. I spend the next half hour, or maybe a full hour, telling Adam about all the things in Snowflake Creek that I can’t wait to show him. I also go into lots of details about my sisters, my brother, and my parents. At some point, the nachos are finished and removed, and as it begins to get colder, Adam has to put on some pajamas. I also dress more warmly. We both brush our teeth and get ready to snuggle up in bed.
“I’m really glad I met you, Eve,” Adam says softly. “Even though I don’t like your dental floss.”
“You don’t like my dental floss?” I ask sleepily, with my head against his shoulder. “It’s minty.”
“I’m not a huge fan of mint,” he explains.
“How can you not like mint? What about peppermint?”
“If I’m really in the holiday spirit, I can tolerate peppermint,” Adam says.
“Tolerate? Blasphemy,” I mumble. “Maybe I’m just tolerating you.”
“I hope not,” he says, pressing a kiss against my forehead.
When I wake up in Adam’s arms again, I know that I’m in trouble. Because I am starting to get used to this. It feels insanely cozy. Like, how did I ever sleep in this miserable bed all alone? It’s like he was designed for me, the way his body fits so perfectly against mine. Honestly, Santa got this gift perfectly right.
I suppose now I know how the first Adam felt, when Eve was made from his rib. It literally feels so comfortable to be near this man, that he might as well be one of my body parts. One I never knew I was missing, but would really hate to be without now that I’ve found him. Dammit, his whole Adam and Eve fetish is really rubbing off on me.
He looks so beautiful lying there in the darkened room. I am surprised that we did not have sex. Even the smallest touch or kiss from him seems to set me on fire. But it was really cold last night, and it kind of kills your energy and libido when you’re shivering madly to stay warm.
Luckily, it seems like the power’s back on.
“Evie?” Adam whispers in his sleep.
My heart feels funny at the way he says that. “Yeah?” I respond sleepily.
“Come here,” he says, tugging my body closer, like I am a teddy bear. In fact, he pulls me nearly entirely on top of him. I am worried about his leg for a second, but he doesn’t seem to mind my weight, and he wraps his arms around me snugly.
I sigh against his chest. Then, after a few seconds of snuggling, I undo a button of his pajama top, and place a kiss on his chest. I can see his muscles quiver at the contact, and I smile. I lift myself up to place more kisses along his collarbone and up his neck, until I arrive at his mouth.
He places a hand in my hair to pull me down for a hungry kiss that quickly transforms the mood from cozy to sexually charged. His tongue traces my bottom lip before he nibbles on it gently.
When his hands move to my breasts again, I moan. He is quickly removing my clothing, and my sanity. But then I grasp his wrist.
“Adam, can I be honest with you?” I ask, before my brain clouds over completely.
“Of course,” he says huskily, with his hands still moving all over me.
It takes me a second to concentrate on using the English language. “I don’t have a condom. Do you?”
Adam pauses. Then he laughs. “No, I actually don’t. But… there are other things we can do.”
“Other things?” I ask him dizzily as his hands take of my dress.
“Yes,” he says huskily, pressing kisses against my bare chest, and trailing his tongue around my nipple. “Lots of other things.”
“Ohh—okay,” I mumble incoherently, as he kisses and sucks on my breasts. At the same time, his hand is kneading me through my panties. I have been wearing slightly nicer-than-usual, lacy ones, since I realized there was a chance that someone might see them.
“Come up here,” he says, with his hands gripping my hips.
I don’t realize what he is doing until he has lifted my body forward, pulled my panties aside, and plunged his tongue into me. I gasp out, realizing that I am, effectively, sitting on his face. His tongue works magic against my sensitive nub, and I grasp the headboard for balance as my body threatens to sag against him.
Adam’s hands move over my hips to slide my underwear off, and I help him get rid of the offensive piece of fabric. He returns to his task at once, and it feels so much better, with his face fully pressed against me. His hands under my bottom, and his fingers spread my folds apart to give his tongue better access. My legs are trembling, and I tighten my grip on the headboard as I pant heavily at the sensations, and the orgasm building in me with the force of an earthquake. I couldn’t stop myself from coming if I tried. It’s washing over me so fast, and making all the muscles of my abdomen clench with pleasure.
When Adam plunges two fingers into me, pulsing them as he suckles at my clit, I cry out as the body-rocking orgasm rips through me. He places one hand on my side to help hold me up, and keep me from collapsing into a heap.
“You taste so good,” Adam whispers against my wetness. His voice is barely audible and muffled between my thighs.
“You’re… really skilled at that,” I say with a gasp.
“Mhmmm,” he mumbles against my swollen clitoris. But then… he continues.
His fingers keeps gently thrusting inside me, picking up momentum, and his tongue continues to send shockwaves through every nerve fiber in my body. Before I can really realize what is happening, my muscles are clenching again, and my legs are trembling again. It’s almost too much, too soon, and more pleasure than I feel I should be allowed to feel without losing my mind.
I almost want to tell him to stop, because I’m scared of how good it feels, but then I realize that I am fighting against something. I try to force myself to let go of my preconceptions of whatever reasonable limits there should be on pleasure, and I let myself feel more than I ever have before.
He takes me right to the edge of insanity with ecstasy. My eyes roll back in my head as another orgasm shakes me to the core. I feel like more things are happening, but I am too far gone to really comprehend the levels of pleasure that I am experiencing. I think there’s another orgasm, but it all sort of blends together like a gorgeous hallucination.
I feel like I temporarily black out after that.
When I come to my senses, I am collapsed on top of Adam, feeling spent, sublimely satisfied, and sloppy wet in the most luxurious way. I feel like my skin has melted against him, and I sigh happily.
He chuckles. “See? Told you there were other things we could do.”
“Oh my god,” I mumble, realizing that my hair is a mess that is smeared everywhere, including all over my face. I open my eyes lazily. “You have done that before.”
“Once or twice,” he admits. “I had to practice to impress my Eve.”
“I know what you do for a living now. You’re a male prostitute. Not a gay one,” I grumble.
Adam laughs. “That good, huh?”
“Are you kidding me?” I ask, sitting up slightly. “That was like a 8.8 on the Richter scale. With aftershocks that measured above 6, but everything was already devastated by the first earthquake.”
“Damn. That’s pretty high on the Richter scale,” Adam says, gently patting my bottom. “See? No condoms required.”
“You’re going to be the death of me,” I tell him.
“Absolutely not. I want you to be healthy and happy and very much alive.” He kisses the top of my head. “I loved doing that with you. Definitely tastier than nachos. Want to hear a joke?”
“No,” I tell him.
“Oh, come on. It’s relevant.”
“Fine,” I say, trying to be grumpy, but failing miserably. It’s hard to be grumpy after just having been eaten out that thoroughly. It kind of placates all your grumpiness and negativity, and leaves you with only positive feelings. I should do this more often.
“So, God came to Adam and Eve holding a bag. Eve was like, ‘Hey, God. What’s in the bag?’ And God was like ‘These are a couple of things left over from creation that I thought you two might be interested in.’ God rummaged around in the bag and asked, ‘Okay who wants to be able to pee standing up?’ Adam put his hand up in the air, waving around frantically. ‘Me! Me! That sounds really fun and convenient! I could totally use that skill.’ God nodded, and agreed. ‘Well, all right, now, let’s see what we have for you, Eve.” God rummaged around a bit more in the bag. ‘Oh, yes, here it is! Multiple orgasms.’” Adam grins at his punchline.
I laugh softly, smacking his chest. “You’re such a goof.” Then I realize he still has an erection. I reach down to grasp his cock, not wanting him to feel left out. “What about you?” I ask. “Can I return the favor?”
He groans, and grasps my wrist. “While I would love nothing more, we need to get up and start shoveling. I want to get on the road before it’s light out, so we can see where we’re going—and before another storm hits.”