I smile. “A little bird told me that an awesome sister of yours had a recording studio set up in the basement of the family home in Snowflake Creek. Complete with equipment. So, you can just head home immediately and finish it up there.”
“When did you do that?” she asks with surprise.
“I’ve known that Dad was getting worse for a while, and I wanted us to be able to go home at a moment’s notice without it disrupting your work, in case of emergency.”
“That’s really thoughtful, Eve. But I wish you had told me.”
“I didn’t want to worry you if it wasn’t serious.” I begin tapping my nails on the computer desk again, anxiously. “I thought maybe Mom had it under control…”
“It’s okay,” Mary says. “I’m booking my flight for tonight, and I’ll give you updates as soon as I arrive. You focus on taking care of Adam. The veryfirst manto crash land in your snowy paradise. Your wintery Garden of Eden. Can I just offer one piece of sisterly advice?”
“No, don’t. Mary. Seriously.”
“Don’t eat the apple, Eve. Don’t eat Adam’s apple.”
Groaning, I place my forehead down on my desk. “I hate you.”