“I went to Altata. The gringo never showed while I was inside. Once I stepped out to leave, I saw someone who looked like the man in the photo walking by me and through the doors. I called Ana Sofia. We both went back in to see what was going on and then we left,” I reply through gritted teeth.
I’ve never held anger toward this man before but the fact that he’s treating Miguel Fucking Vargas like he’s made of gold and is spewing venom at his children, is putting me in a position that neither of us want to be in.
Ana Sofia shrugs out from beneath my arm and wipes the tears from her eyes before she sniffles and loops her thumbs through the belt holes of her jeans. She’s trying to be strong, the Sicario that most men fear, because she assumes that’s the reason why she’s been summoned to this bullshit midnight meeting.
“Vamos,” I tell her as I turn and tug on her arm. “Clearly, we aren’t wanted here so why should we stay?”
My sister glances at me for a moment, attempting to become an emotionless killing machine, but the fresh tears in her eyes betray her.
She chews her lower lip for a moment, glances at Papa, then to me again. With a nod, she falls into step beside me as we leave the men to their war games.
Our father and our sworn enemy.
Chapter Twelve
I satin Ana Sofia’s bed stroking her hair until she fell asleep with her head in my lap. I know that my outbursts are going to require a heavy price to even out the balance of how I acted, but to keep her from feeling how she did, I’m willing to pay it.
But first.
Taking a deep breath, I begin to slowly inch my way out from beneath her. Once I’m off the bed, I reach for the blanket and pull it up to her chin, tucking her in, then place a soft kiss against the top of her head.
I head toward the door, opening it as quietly as I can, then peek into the hallway. I roll my eyes when I hear Papa and Omar still talking in his office and nod at Santiago, who’s standing post outside of his door.
I put a finger to my lips, and he gives me a low thumbs up as I slip out of Ana Sofia’s room and walk quickly toward mine.
I know that if I’m found out, I’ll never have to worry about protecting my sister again because my penalty will be the same as that of a traitor’s. Even though the act itself wouldn’t be considered betrayal, it’ll be seen as such.
Unfortunately, I’ll have to go behind our father’s back to find out what’s really going on and I can only pray he doesn’t find out. Because if he does, I’ll lose his trust and then I’ll be worth nothing to anyone here.
Clearing my throat as I enter my room, I make sure to lock the door securely before I walk over to my bed and open my purse. Taking a deep breath and a moment to reassure myself that I’m doing the right thing, I tap the screen to life and find Enzo’s number in my contacts.
“It’s one o’clock in the fucking morning,” he growls into the phone.
“What happened to Miguel?” I ask him quietly.
He doesn’t know.
“Enzo, this stays between us, okay?” I begin nervously. I can hear the bed shifting from his end of the phone before he lets out a heavy sigh.
“Yeah, fine Tatiana.”
“The Federales are here, talking to Papa. They say that Miguel has been kidnapped.”
The silence from his end of the conversation intrigues me but not enough to suspect anything other than what I’ll be presented with should he choose to open his fucking mouth and talk.
His response is indifferent and unexpected. I know that Lorenzo Munoz generally doesn’t care about anything other than himself, but by not showing any concern it comes across like he’s more than willing to bite the hand that feeds him.
“What would you like me to do, Tati?” he asks irritably. “Like I said, it’s one in the morning. The viejo probably got lost on his way back.”
“And if he’s dead?” I bark back.
“Then I guess we’ll see who takes his place.”
It takes everything in me not to throw my phone against the wall, but I’m becoming increasingly frustrated that he doesn’t seem to give a fuck.