Axe burst out laughing at that, before getting off the bed and dressing.

“Please, for the love of all the gods, tell me that you’ll say that to his face. And let me be in the room when you do. Spoiled brat…”

Dane just shook his head at us, then finally opened the door. I braced myself to see a cranky Weyland standing there, but instead saw Nordred.

“Master Nordred, I wasn’t expecting you,” Dane said.

“Probably not,” the horse master said with considerable nonchalance, “but I’m not here for you. Lass, it's beyond time to get back into your training schedule.” I groaned at that. “You wanted to be strong and to learn how to fight, back at the keep. Well, those will be essential skills this side of the border. Throw on some clothes and then meet me down at the stables. I’ve spoken to young Pepin. She’ll be joining us for a morning run.”

Axe shot me a delighted smile.

“So it won’t be just us having a shit of a morning.” His eyes danced as I clambered out of the bed and went to grab some clothes. “Now, give me my shirt back. I said I wanted to wear it today and I meant it.”

Dane let out a sigh and then shook his head.

“I’m going down to grab my breakfast. Don’t molest the girl and if you’re not down in five minutes, I’ll send someone up to retrieve you, brother.”

I just stared at Axe as I heard the door click shut, but his smile faded as his hands landed on my shoulders, then he turned me resolutely around as he lifted the hem of his shirt. My arms went to my breasts the minute he pulled it off over my head, but my clothes were passed over and I shrugged them on in seconds.

“Mm…” When I turned around I froze, watching him sink his nose into the bundled fabric, wadding the garment in his hand before putting it on too. “Aroused woman has a very particular scent,” he informed me with a lazy smile, “but the scent of your mate…” His grin widened. “Weyland will be grumpy as a cat with its tail pulled all day as a result.”

Then he stepped in and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

“Train hard, little huntress, because your Nordred is correct. Might equals right in the capital, and while I know you have considerable powers at your disposal, you’ll be forced to demonstrate them if you’re to find your place there.”

Was that supposed to be reassuring? With growing alarm, I watched him walk away, the uncertainty just building and building as I ran downstairs.

Pep was working with Nordred, seeing to the horses, when I burst into the stables and after I’d bade them both a good morning I asked for confirmation of Axe’s words. The quick look the two of them shared spoke volumes, but Nordred would not have his focus redirected.

“We fight the enemy in front of us, lass,” he said, clapping a hand on my shoulder before leading his horse, the imaginatively named Blackie, out. “Now, ladies, a brief jog down to the barracks should get the blood pumping sufficiently before we start training proper.”

“Jog?” Pep said with a frown. “That’s not what I signed up for. I said I’d practise fighting and such with Darcy.”

“And you will,” Nordred assured her, “after a run.” When we emerged out of the stables, he pulled himself up onto Blackie’s back, then wheeled him around to face us. “Last one there will have to walk home, the winner gets the horse.”

“Well then…”

Pep gave me a shove, taking off at a sprint, something that had my breath blowing out in a huff.

Ladies don’t run, they glide, Linnea’s voice rang in my ears.

Well, look where that got you, I thought, and then took off after Pep.