“That’s how I know you’re not ready. You had one leash around your neck in Grania and I’ll be damned if I’ll put another on you. When you are, you’ll choose us and everything we’ve been dreaming of will come true. You’ll be our mate. You’ll be queen of Strelae and then we’ll begin the very hard work of getting this country back on track. But not yet.”

He could’ve ordered me to eat something and I would have baulked like a newly-broken horse, but instead he just nudged my very delicious danish over to me with a finger. I snatched it up because I was hungry and it tasted so good, but I shot him a dark look of rebellion as I did so.

“Those little moments of surrender…” he said in an almost reverent tone. “I’m sure my brothers are doing all they can to educate you about the ways of the flesh, but my job is to teach you about power.” His face grew more sombre then. “The more aware we are of it on a personal level, the more we are able to recognise and critique the ways it is used on a broader scale.”

“So, this is about my education?” I said, cocking an eyebrow.

“We all want to educate you on different things and for entirely selfish reasons,” he said with a smirk. “What did my brother show you?”

“I ended up sucking his cock.”

I grinned then as he spluttered, sending a spray of crumbs everywhere.

“Damn his eyes…” Dane muttered. “Perhaps I’m going about this all wrong.”