“The one and the same,” Gael said, then bent his head and began to eat.
I was toohungry to avoid the food, even though I already felt way too full of all the stuff that happened today. But filling my belly, even drinking down the bloody bitter beer helped to settle me. Nordred had told me to focus on the now. Well, right now we were in a noisy alehouse, watching a trio of musicians take up position on the stage. We listened to their bright, rollicking tune, people beginning to sing along, others getting up to perform a rowdy clomping dance. Despite what my mind thought, as Gael’s arm settled across my back, as I was pressed into his side, there was no danger here and so I forced myself to relax, settling against my mate’s body and even singing away with Pepin when she taught me the words.
By the time we rode home I was drowsing in the saddle, only Gael’s grip on me keeping me upright.
“Where’ve you been?”
I blinked and blinked, seeing a pale faced Dane standing there in the stables, Weyland and Axe behind him.
“I took her to the inn to see Nordred and Pepin. Our theories about him? Looks like they’re true,” Gael replied.
“So, he’s…” Weyland looked at me. “Then, she’s…”
“Gods above, we need to get her the fuck out of here,” Axe said. “Gael can take her to the hunting lodge we set up near the mountains, hole up there and keep her safe—”
“And alert your mother to exactly how important she is,” Gael replied.
“He’s right,” Dane said. “She needs to be hidden in plain sight and that shouldn’t be hard. There’s no expectation of a queen rising again, so why would they be looking for one?” He shook his head. “Let’s get your horse unsaddled and then you’re bunking down in our suite.”
“That would not be wise,” Gael said stiffly, and I moaned slightly as his grip on me tightened.
Wolves… I could see wolves running over the plain, hear the sound of the raven.
“Wise or not, it’s what will happen,” Dane snapped. “There is strength in numbers and strength is the only thing that this place respects, so we start a campaign to convince the court of ours.”
“Easy for you to say. Darcy and I will bear the brunt of it.” I sighed as the horse shifted beneath me, its rolling gait feeling like the thud of paws on dead ground. “Don’t hang us out to dry, Dane. If I think your plans are going to compromise Darcy or my ability to protect her, I’ll do more than take on Axe’s advice. I’ll disappear with our mate to a place you’ll never be able to find her.”
“You’ve come to accept the bond then, brother,” Weyland said with a slow smile.
“As if there was any choice in the matter. Help me get her down. She’s half asleep and will need carrying.”
“Let me.”
I felt big strong arms go around me, and I was nestled in against a chest that felt as broad as the plains in my mind. The dream took a hold of me then, drawing me along with those wolves and their endless sprint, getting closer and closer. I felt a growing sense of foreboding the nearer they got. Something that persisted when I woke up.