Chapter 7

“I’m fine, Your Highnesses, really,” I said brightly, forcing myself to move and draw closer to the nearest cake. It was a confection of dried fruit, sugar, flour and cream and I knew from experience it tasted wonderful. “This cake is Cook’s specialty.” Moving carefully, I grabbed a knife and a server, slicing the dessert into several large pieces before putting one on a plate. “You must try it.”

“Enough of that now, lass,” Weyland growled. “I know you’ve got appearances to maintain in front of your father, but he’s not here now. You were drawing knives on me before, not cutting up cakes.”

“She did?” Axe said with a snort, then he treated me to a warm smile. “Thatta girl. Keep this bastard in line.”

“Seems like the biggest bastard is the one that was supposed to care for you,” Dane said in a low growl.

“Show me.” Everyone’s heads jerked around as the most taciturn brother spoke. Gael looked up at me with narrowed eyes. “Show me what he did.”

“Nothing, Your Highness—”

“Don’t fucking bullshit me.”

I jolted at the sound of the prince’s sharp reply.

“Brother, this isn’t the way,” Dane said, but Gael paid him no mind.

“Show me,” he insisted.

I let out a long shuddering sigh and then jerked my head up to meet the eyes of each of the four men in the room. That was far more brazen than I would be permitted to be by my father, but he was off getting drunk with his steward. And then I remembered my father’s orders.

I unlaced the bodice of my overdress a little, something that earned me a chorus of grunts from the men. Don’t fuck them, Father had said. My underdress maintained my modesty for me as I tugged my sleeve down and that’s when everyone hissed, even me.

My skin had gone a sickly green colour already, meaning it would only get darker and more bruised as time went on until finally it faded. I was hurting now and only going to hurt further. Gael got to his feet, prowling closer, but I shrank back when he reached out a hand.

“Don’t bloody hurt me,” I said, my hand closing around the carving knife, the blade still clotted with cream and cake crumbs. “I’ve had quite enough of that for one night.”

“I don’t hurt women,” Gael growled, his tone utterly undermining his words.

“You can trust him, lass,” Weyland said.

“Wouldn’t I have to trust you first to believe your words?” I snapped back, which drew chuckles from the others then Gael grabbed a belt knife which had me freezing in my chair.

“Your Nordred isn’t the only healer,” he said before pricking his thumb.

Gael showed me the blood welling there before his other hand moved over the digit. When his hand closed over it, something glowed. I blinked, staring at whatever the hell this was before he pulled his hand away and revealed a completely unmarked thumb. As I dropped to my seat in amazement, my hand whipped out without even thinking, grabbing him around the wrist and drawing him closer so I could take a better look.

Which of course, ended up with me seated before a looming warg, his presence blocking out all else.

“I can’t abide a man that hurts a woman,” Gael told me in a low voice, the others mumbling their agreement. “And I’ll not see you hurting.”

When his hand landed on my arm, I jumped, both because of the slow throb of pain it caused but then because it was followed by a much harsher one. A pain that sucked my breath from my lungs. I was ready to scream when the light glowed and then I went limp at the release of the agony. I just breathed for a moment, searching my arm for soreness and not finding any. When I inspected my skin, it was reassuringly pale again. Then I glanced up.

Gael met my gaze but he still wasn’t happy. That ever-present frown was back, but that dark blue eye continued to stare into mine until he shook his head.

“The other arm is hurting?”

I nodded, gingerly moving to pull one sleeve up so I could pull the other one down, but he stopped me.

“I don’t need to touch you skin to skin—”

“Gods, brother, it’s like you want to torture the rest of us,” Axe said, and he grinned when I looked his way. “If all we’re to get is a glimpse of a pretty shoulder, then show us both of them.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Gael grumbled, but he moved around my chair, and when he did, I could feel his presence.

He was a huge mass behind me, making me feel tiny and fragile, especially with the gentleness of his touch. I braced myself this time, feeling the sharp spike of pain, but being better able to bear it when I knew it would soon ease. As I fought to catch my breath again, Gael gave me a pat on the shoulder before moving away and back to his seat. The air felt strangely empty after he was gone.