My eyes flickedopen at that to see that morning had come and Axe was lying on his side, watching me.
“Were you having a nightmare?” he asked, his face crushed still by sleep. “You were crying.”
I threw myself at him, feeling like a great gaping hole had been opened in me and that the only comfort to be found was in him. Axe hauled me in close, stroking his hand through my hair, murmuring reassurances even as I clung tighter to him. I felt small and raw, and much too pathetic for whatever the hell that dream was about, then as I came back to reality, as I was just held, I settled.
I looked up at Axe slowly, his eyes burning into mine and then I pressed my mouth to his, something he responded to wholeheartedly.
His breath was sucked in rapidly through his nose, his hand sliding down to my butt to press me more firmly against him and when that wasn’t enough, his heavy thigh slid over me and pinned me to the bed. What had begun as my kiss became well and truly his as he plundered my mouth, claimed my tongue and then started the deliriously wonderful rocking against me, right up until there was a sharp rap at the door.
“What the bloody hell?” Axe snapped, leaving me hanging there, lips swollen as the door slammed open with the force of three princes behind it.
“I had Jessa come running to me,” Weyland shouted, “gloating because she was sure the Wolf Maidens had sent Darcy berserk!”
“A bird, brother?” Gael said. “A messenger? A bloody scrawl on a piece of paper? Something, anything, to let us know what was going on with our mate.”
“But we know now,” Dane said. He crouched down beside the bed, making me all too aware of my nakedness beneath the sheets, something each brother noted in some combination of interest, frustration, need or irritation. “What actually happened?”
“They had to have tried,” Axe replied, holding me where I was. “When I came to collect her, she was half-gone to battle fever.”
Low growls echoed around the room.
“But we resolved that, didn’t we, Darcy?”
Apparently, it was my turn to speak now. I clutched the sheets to my breasts as I rolled over, but any focus I’d managed to gather was quickly fractured when I faced them. Axe filled the gap left at my back, pressing his body into mine, making clear just how happy it was to be there, especially when he pressed his hardness against my softness. My eyelids fluttered as I felt his kisses raining down across my neck and shoulders until the others snapped.
“For the sake of all the gods, Axe,” Weyland said. “Keep your hands off Darcy for just a moment so she can tell us what happened.
“Tell me you wouldn’t do the same if you were here in my place,” Axe growled, his hand burrowing underneath me so he could hold me in his arms. “Tell me you don’t want the covers flipped back, so you can see everything I’ve got here, that you don’t want to join me in whatever I’m doing.”
Any thoughts of yesterday were well and truly shoved to one side as I went very quiet and very still. Low, trickling growls came from the men and as they stared down at me with eyes that blazed phosphorescent blue, I shivered.
“Is that…?” My words faltered as I remembered the doubled pleasure of Dane and Gael’s hands upon me. “Is that how it will be?”
Axe’s grip was already sending distractingly throbbing waves of pleasure through me; but to quadruple that? My mind struggled to imagine it, the way we could all to be together, but more than that, to imagine the pleasure of last night amplified beyond all recognition.
“Do we want that?” Dane asked, and the cool politician was gone now, a much darker, more animalistic creature replacing him. “Do we want to shed our clothes, scatter them across the floor like our brother has and slip between those sheets, with nothing between your skin and ours?”
He smiled then, his head tilting slightly to one side.
“Do we want to put you between the four of us? Run our hands over every sweetly rounded inch of your flesh? Taste you with our tongues? Suck you into our mouths?” I began to shift restlessly then, and Axe nipped at my neck, leaving stinging little bites to make me hold still. But his palm moved lower, a warm pulsing pleasure deepening as it settled over my pelvis. “Plunge our fingers into you, opening you up for what’s to come, the moment when you…”
I hung, we all hung on the last of his words, but Dane seemed to come back to himself abruptly back to himself, the savage poetry gone now that he had himself back under control.
“We hunt as a pack. We run as a pack and we will claim our mate as a pack, when she is ready. It will be all of us in that big bed in our suite and you in the middle of it, the focus of our entire attention.” He blinked then, slowly. “Now, we must get you to the temple. The Maidens are not above providing an armed escort to get you to training if they deem it important enough. We’ll leave you to get dressed. I need to have a word with Selene about my mother and her machinations, making clear just who she needs to keep happy when it comes to you.”
Dane turned his back, Gael doing the same after a moment’s resistance. Weyland, however, swooped in.
“Can’t have you going to training all wound up,” he said, flipping the sheets back enough to slide a hand under them and settle it just above Axe’s, making my back arch in response.
“Gods…” I ground out, feeling a sudden sharp spike of pleasure jolt through me.
“You want to see what it would be like with all of us,” Axe purred into my ear and then he pulled his hand away, making me claw at his arm to bring it back. Instead, he lifted my thigh to slide his hand between my legs, his fingers skating across a curiously slick part of my body before a single finger pushed in.
I knew that my husband would want to push his cock inside me when we were married, that he needed to until he took his pleasure, filling me with his seed. But I had no idea that I might come to crave the same. The intrusion felt rude, harsh, forcing a strange kind of stretch, which should have been unpleasant, but instead had me craving more. It was closest to that feeling of stretching your body, making it to perform faster, harder, and yet right now I could do nothing. Just grabbed at Weyland’s chest, as his mouth slowly lowered until I reached up and met his lips with mine.
His kiss, the slow thrust of Axe’s finger, the heavy weight of Weyland’s palm against my pelvis all had me feeling like I was clawing my way out of my skin only to emerge… I sobbed into Weyland’s mouth and he sucked away every sound of pleasure as I erupted.