“I can see your nipples.” I pointed for emphasis.

“Bite me.” She retorted.

“I would and you’d love every minute.”

“Mhm…” Her eyes closed, giving me a chance to just watch her peaceful face.

She’d propped her phone up on something and now all she had to do was relax. I noticed that there was soft music playing in the background and she’d turned off one light to make it dimmer. This was the space that she needed to be in right now.

I went back to looking at the engagement ring box I was holding. I removed it from the box and twirled it in my fingers. It was perfect. It had to be. I’d seen it and instantly thought of her. I’d been looking for a gift for my mother when it caught my eye. It was a princess ring from an exclusive line, cut into the shape of a tiara and diamonds lined the band with a teardrop one in the center. It was a mix of rose and white gold. Beautiful.

I’d called my mother to talk to her about it. She literally laughed at me. I could remember exactly how it happened.

“Mom, can you explain to me why I can’t seem to walk away from what I’m looking at?”

“Depends. What are you looking at?”

“An engagement ring.”

“What caught your attention?”

“It reminds me of someone.”

“So buy it for Anise.”

I smiled but tried to keep it from my voice. My mother knew everything.

“Who said it’s for Anise?”

“Nobody else compares and you know it.”

“What if she doesn’t like it?” I asked.

“Then she’s not worthy of it. An engagement ring isn’t about making sure that it’s everything that she wants. It’s supposed to be an indicator to her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her. The extras: diamond, color of the gold, gems, stones, shape, setting… that’s all secondary. Get her something that will remind her of you or something important to the both of you.”

“This is the reason I called you.”

“Because you needed me to tell you it’s about time?”

“Yes. Probably.”

“I knew you loved her.”

“Love is such a strong word.”

“That’s how I know you won’t toss it around lightly. When do you plan on doing it?”

“I have some time off here and was thinking of surprising her. Figured I should put her out of her misery.”

My mother laughed hard. “And you out of yours. It’s obvious how much the two of you love each other. You’re the idiot that keeps trying to dodge love.”

“How do I know it’s love? What if it’s just lust?”

“Then put the ring back. You don’t marry lust.”

I looked up from the box at the saleswoman. “How quickly can you have this sized?”

“Yes!” my mother hooted and hollered. “Yes!”