My mother had broken her leg in three places while out having a girls’ day with her friends. There was no telling what those crazy women were up to when my mother fell and hurt her leg. I didn’t like the idea of her being alone, so I sent for her to accompany me here to London.

“I will. I’m glad she finally made it here. Maybe now you can stop moping around.”

“I don’t mope.”

“Tell me what you’ve been doing the past two days. It’s like that dear girl holds the key to your heart. When you don’t talk to her, your day is bad. Terrible. And when you hear from her, even if it’s for a few brief moments, she brightens your day.”

“She’s just a friend, mom.”

“Maybe, or maybe you’ve taken those darn theories of yours a little too far. Don’t take your father’s and my issues and make them your own. Love exists.”

“It does. That’s why I love you.”

“I love you too. Take some time to enjoy her while she’s here. See where that big ol’ heart of yours takes you.”

I nodded before kissing her forehead.

“Mom, I don’t mind visitors while you’re here. You can have anybody that you want here.”

“I know. I was just enjoying the peace. When I am better, I can have fun.”

I shook my head, laughing. I’m glad that she doesn’t let her age hold her back. Fifty-seven isn’t old. “Just be careful next time. That’s all I ask.”

“Yes, sir!”

Leave it to her to be a smart ass, too.

I passed Susie, one of the servants, as I was heading back to my room.

“Will you bring dinner up to my room? I’ll be spending the rest of the day up there.”

“Yes, sir.”

I entered my room to find Anise in a different position than when I left, with her left shoulder exposed. I couldn’t help but to kiss it.


“Oui, mon trésor.” I kissed her shoulder again, loving the feel of her soft skin on my lips.

“I’m so tired.”

“I know.”

“I’m hungry too.”

I chuckled. “I’ll send for your plate.”

Anise rolled over on her back and reached for my face. I kissed the inside of her palm and she pulled me closer.

“Why do you keep kissing me?” She asked.

“You started it.”

“I did, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.”
