I could see the bottom of her ass from underneath her short skirt. Even the sight of it did nothing for me other than make my head hurt worse. I needed to finish what I was doing and get out of this godforsaken place and maybe then, I’d feel better. If not, I’d nurse my headache with a bottle of whiskey.

I returned to the desk after tucking my still hard cock back into my pants. I picked back up where I had left off, and spent the next hour working between my handheld calculator and the one on the computer. Technology was great, but like executions, sometimes the classics worked better. I kept crunching numbers and coming back to a specific account. It was a Swiss bank account and there was a slight discrepancy that gave me cause for concern.

It wasn’t enough that my father would have one of his most trusted men made an example of, but the same couldn’t be said about me because my loyalty didn’t lie with him. In fact, it didn’t lie with my father either. The patriarch of the Vaccaro family, Stefano, ruled everyone with an iron fist. I had been used to his vitriol and the way he made everyone, including his own family, come to heel. I’d been on the receiving end of his venom more than once and one of these days, the son would take out the one obstacle standing between him and global power.

For now, my focus was on the weasel Stefano trusted so much. I used my phone to take a screenshot of the numbers that were there compared to the ones that should’ve been there, and rose from my desk. I hadn’t zipped or buttoned back up my pants earlier, so I made sure to do that now, then I left my father’s office and went into the club in search of him. My head was still throbbing incessantly, and I knew aspirin would also be in order.

I eventually made my way into the crowded club and I stopped to look around. Catching sight of Alberto, I motioned for him to come to me. When he did, I cut right to the chase. “Where’s my father?”

I needed to tell him that his most trusted loyal servant was slowly and methodically milking one of his foreign bank accounts dry. The sooner I got that over and done with, the sooner I could alleviate this pounding in my skull so I could pick back up where I left off earlier and get that orgasm that evaded me.

“He’s at the bar with his mistress. He’s—”

“His what?” I asked, wondering when my father had gotten himself a girlfriend.

“His mistress. She’s very beautiful.”

I had no doubt that Stefano would land himself a woman of impeccable beauty, and likely even one with the proper training. After all, a lot was expected of a mistress in the mafia, and our family was no different. It was another reason why I purposely chose not to appease my father and get one of my own. I didn’t give a fuck about an heir, and had often told him as much.

“Grazie,” I responded, then pushed past the man.

I strode purposely to the bar, and I did see my father with a woman. She was facing the bartender so obviously had her back turned to me. My eyes narrowed. Even though I could see nothing more than the color and length of her hair, something seemed familiar about her posture.

“Father,” I spoke as I approached him. He turned, and the shit-eating grin on his face still irked me to this day. Being one of the most ruthless leaders of the city’s most infamous crime family, he had a hell of a lot of reason to be cocky. His smirk just infuriated me, though. And, I think he knew it as well.

“Figlio,” he told me as he stepped closer and clapped his hand against my shoulder blade. “You haven’t met my Bellissima yet.”

“I haven’t,” I said, stating the obvious. Stefano leaned in and whispered something in her ear. She slowly turned and when she did, the color had to have drained from my face. It was obvious to me as to why she appeared so familiar to me. I had often observed her from behind in school. I almost called out her name, but thought better of it. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Her eyes registered something momentarily before her façade was wiped clean and her piercing dark eyes returned to their normal shade. I hadn’t seen Viviana Spataro since that night in a New York City alley. Remembering it, my own eyes narrowed further, although I tried to not give any indication to my father as to who she was, or what she could be with him for.

She smiled, and extended her hand which I did the noble thing and picked up with one of mine. I brought my lips to the top of her soft, delicate skin. “My name’s Viviana.”

I almost told her that I knew exactly who she was, but since she wanted to play coy, I kept up my act as well. “As I said before, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” she replied, a bit more breathless than she likely intended to.

I released her hand from mine and turned to my father. “Have you two been together long?”

“It’s been about—”

My father had just been about to speak when he was interrupted by his mistress. “We’ve been together for nine months now.”

She turned to my father and when he leaned in to kiss her, she eagerly pressed her lips to his. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but there was no way that the awkwardly shy girl I once knew had gone from that to this.

The “this” had one smoking hot body. Cazzo! Her hair was dark and pin straight, and those piercing eyes of hers were highlighted by the dark eyeliner she was wearing. Soft, long lashes fluttered slightly, and I continued my perusal until I had reached her lips. They were a lot fuller than they had once been, and I briefly wondered if she used fillers. It didn’t matter, however, because they’d look the same when wrapped around my cock.

Yes, I knew she was with my father, but there had to be an angle there. The rest of her package was as equally stunning as her face, and I might’ve even stared at her lush cleavage as her tight dress pressed her ample breasts together. I didn’t think I could get harder than I had been an hour or two ago, but I was now proven wrong.

“I need to take care of something, Nazario. Would you keep my Bellissima company until I come back?”

My father didn’t have to ask me twice. “Sure.”

For the first time, Viviana appeared nervous about that because she began to fidget. I watched her pick up the cocktail napkin and turn it over repeatedly until it began to slightly tear. Waiting until my father disappeared completely from view, I grabbed her hand to not only stop what she was doing, but to get her attention as well.

“Come with me,” I ground out through gritted teeth.

She looked up at me, but didn’t even attempt to move. Her defiance was as foolish as it was admirable, and I wanted to punish her the same way for both.