“I already told you, you can have whatever you want.”

“But only wen I follow you rules.” Even not looking, I can hear the sarcasm lacing Dorian's words. “No. I no one slave.”

“Dorian . . .”

“Dis my time. You see.”

“You just don’t get it, do you?”

His laughter fills the vast room, sending even more chills up my spine.

There's another crash. This time closer to me. I duck down, covering my head and scooting closer to the cabinet.

“You think this is all just some joke? You have no idea what today was.”

“Den tell me, braddah.”

“There’s a reason you were supposed to be on the windward side this morning. Why I wanted you seen, Dorian, not sitting in some shack on the leeward side, getting your chest tattooed. Hopefully, I can clean up your mess. Next time, do as I say. Tomorrow, we are going back to Zhou's to cover it up.”

The gunshots this afternoon. They were near the center of the island. He wanted us all far away from them. Seen.

“Nah, braddah.” Dorian spits the last word, edging toward the elevator. He taps his chest. “I no change dis. Dis my life.”

Before Damien can respond, the elevator opens, and Dorian leaves.

“Fuck,” Damien screams, pulling at his hair, then kicking another dining room chair.

“What would you like us to do about him, sir?” Hector asks.

“He’s young. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Watch him. Keep him out of trouble.”

Damien says a few more muffled words to the rest of the men there before they follow after Dorian. A moment later, Damien heads toward his office, his hands still in his hair, pulling at the roots.

My chest constricts. The heavy pain pushes against my ribcage as I gasp for air.



That can't be right. Damien's the good guy.They are the protectors.

My head swims. The memories claw their way to the front of my mind. Like creeping tendrils, they latch on, consuming my thoughts.

I shake my head. But it's too late. The voices have taken over.

My hands and legs shake as I peer around the empty room.Nobody to save me. Nothing to pull me from the darkness.

Only white.

I shake my head again, holding in a scream. Tears stream down my cheeks.

There's no saving me.

Dirty. Whore.

The words taunt me, drowning me as they repeat in a never-ending loop inside my head.

Grabbing my temples and squeezing to push out the thoughts, I search frantically around the Spartan space.