“You said you wanted to stay, even if it was just a joke, but I worry we won’t be able to keep you safe.” My words run together in our language. “I love you, Miri, and I need you to be safe.”

“What’s going on?” Landon’s voice stifles us all.

Jackson turns back from his exit, noticing we’re not with him.

“Naja, let’s go,” he calls, but I don’t move.

“This wasn’t part of the deal, Reed,” Landon bellows, looking at Miri and Willow.

I take a step back and leave Miri next to Willow. She nods at me, a silent promise, and the relief she offers is everything.

Willow pulls Miri closer to her. “She’s just a child, Landon. We can’t abandon her.”

“Well, her sister is.” He levels his glare at me.

I stand my ground.“Her sister is doing the only thing that will keep her safe.”

“Naja, we’ll be okay. Miri, too,” Jackson says, his hands resting on my shoulders. But after the conversation in the other room, I know it’s an empty promise.

“I heard what you two agreed. That isn’t safe. And I won’t put Miri through anything further.”

I look at Miri and implore her to understand why I’m doing this, but I think she agrees. She’s not fighting my decision.

“I won’t have Cortez at my door,” Landon states.

“There’s nothing to say you will. They’re after Jackson. And Jackson will be with the Canes. Isn’t that what you just agreed?” I challenge. “Even if that doesn’t provide us any real safety?” He sneers and looks at Willow, who simply squeezes Miri tighter. “Please, Landon. Please help her.”

He eventually flicks his hands at me as if shooing me away. “You better hope Logan's in a generous mood, Reed.”

“Thank you.” I nod to both of them. “Only until it’s safe, Miri. I promise, and I mean it.”

She races to hug me, and I squeeze her in my arms, hoping she feels every ounce of strength and love I have for her.

Jackson pulls me towards the exit, and I look at my sister for possibly the last time. “I love you.”

“I love you,” she whispers back.

I pause, for the final moment, before turning to the man I’ve risked everything for. He kisses me, and we head to the car. “Now, will you tell me who the Canes are?”


The End