“What have you done, Jackson?” she asks, glancing back at the doorway.
“Nothing. That’s just their way of saying hello.”
“Hello? Jesus Christ.” She gets in front of my face, shifting her loose top back into place. “They're wearing more money than I make in a year, and that arsehole just put his hands where I didn't invite them. Who the hell are they?”
Trust her to notice the money dripping off them. It's dirty money, and those suits shouldn't fool anyone, but I suppose women still drool over classy cufflinks and sharp tailoring no matter how violent the premise beneath.
“The Cortez brothers,” mutters out of me. “Abel, Dante, Knox and Elias.” I walk over to the bar now it’s less flame drenched, picking up a bottle of vodka from the clear end.
“And they came here to what? Destroy the place?”
One lone tumbler sits perched on the surface as if it got away with being smashed to pieces. The irony of my own still breathing existence does not get lost on me. “No, we’ve made a deal.” I fill the glass to the brim, desperate to take the edge off myself given the fucking bedlam that I allowed to happen.
“What deal?” she asks.
I just stood there and watched this shit begin. I stood and waited, taking their anarchy without even raising my voice. Pitiful, no matter how correct the reaction was. “We’re investing in a new line of product, Jamie.”
“We are?”
The entire glass of vodka is tipped down my throat, and I close my eyes to drink in the taste. “We are. Get someone in to make this place look better. The Priory is closing for the next three weeks. I want it completed by the twenty-fourth. Classy. Expensive.”
“Yes. Get it done. I don't have time to piss around.”
Because I’ve got an auction to prepare for.
Chapter Two
“You got us wine?”
“Relax, Naja. One glass isn’t going to kill me. And besides, aren’t we meant to be celebrating?”
I give my little sister my familiar ‘I’m not impressed’ look, but she’s right, and has never paid any attention to my attempts at parenting, anyway.
“Fine. Cheers!” We clink, and I take a sip. Whereas Miri seems to down half of hers in one go. “Easy, there.” We laugh together, and I’m hit with melancholy. We came to Copenhagen to visit the university where Miri will be studying, and that means saying goodbye to my little sister.
“I’m not moving across the other side of the world.”
“I know, but it’s far enough. I’m allowed to miss you, although, for the life of me, I can’t think of a single reason why I should,” I jest.
Miri finishes her second glass while I sip mine. She’s full of energy and excitement, and I’m happy for her.
“Come on. We should order a taxi and head back to the hotel.” It’s not late, but we have a long drive back home tomorrow.
“Oh, don’t be such a spoilsport. And we don’t need a taxi. I’m going to be living here. It will be fun.” Her smile is infectious, and I concede easily.
We head out of the bar and Miri pauses, bringing up her phone. It’s her idea to walk; she can navigate.
“This way.” She pulls me along, and we head out into the night.
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
“For the millionth time, yes.” She huffs. We’ve been over her decision and despite my reservations, she’s convinced.
“Okay. I won’t ask again.”