His nostrils flared in response, his gaze narrowing slightly. “Goldilocks. An interesting choice.”
“I’m not ten anymore.”
“No, you’re twenty-two,” he replied before I could give him my age. Then his focus slowly shifted downward to my breasts before returning to my face. The blatant interest in his gaze nearly sent me to my knees.
That was the look of a man who wanted a woman.
And Logan Pierce was directing it at me.
“Goldilocks,” he said again, nodding. “All right. Hold up your hand.”
I swallowed but did as he demanded, leaving one palm on his chest while I lifted the other in the air.
“Hold up your first two fingers and curl the others,” he instructed.
I obeyed, keeping just my index and middle fingers up.
“Squeeze them together.”
I did.
He released my waist but maintained his grip around my nape. His hand engulfed mine as his thumb stroked the two fingers in the air. The touch burned even through the gloves.
“If you can’t find your voice or your mouth is otherwise engaged, and you need to safe-word, then hold up two fingers just like this. The scene will stop immediately.”
Such serious words spoken in a voice that made my stomach tighten with anticipation.
“Tell me you understand,” he said.
“I understand, Sir.”
His irises darkened to a smolder. “Good girl.” He released my hand. “Now remind me of your safe word.”
I frowned. Did he already forget?
“It’s how we begin the scene,” he added, obviously seeing the confusion on my face. “I ask for your safe word. You say it. We begin.”
Oh, shit. We really are going to do this. My pulse thrummed to life in my ears, making me feel a bit light-headed. But my insides burned with interest.
I’d never seen this side of Pierce.
And I very much wanted to see more.
He arched a dark brow. “What’s your safe word, Jenica?”
“Goldilocks,” I replied, my voice raspier than I’d intended.
He dipped his chin and released me. “Good. Now take off the dress.”
I gaped at him. “What?”
He canted his head, eyeing me with interest. “I assume those gloves match whatever you have beneath the dress. I want to see it.” He took a step back. “And you should know that I don’t like repeating myself.” With that, he started toward a bar area set off in the corner of the room. I hadn’t really noticed it when surveying my surroundings, my focus having been on the modern colors and then the door.
But now my attention was on him and his all-black suit.
He was sin personified, strolling over to the bar as though he didn’t have a care in the world.
I shivered.