“Yeah. It’s wholesome and nutritious, and soothing when it’s cold…or if I’m sad.”
Hmmm. He disliked imagining her being sad. Sad, unhappy, scared, any kind of negative emotion marring her unusual disposition just didn’t seem right. Humans were entitled to their emotions, it was how they’d been designed from the start, but some of what they felt in the duration of their existence was particularly testing.
“Are you sad often?”
“No more than anyone else. There are moments, sure, but I’ve learned to channel my emotions. We spend too much time focusing on the negatives in life when time’s too short as it is. Better to be smiling than crying,” she added, rolling over onto her stomach. “How about you? Are you stoic or emotional?”
Aroused. Seth stopped pacing, his gaze zeroing in on the pale, curvy ass pointing in his direction. How was he supposed to have a thorough, meaningful conversation with her when she brandished her rear like that? “I’m not known for my emotional capacity. In fact, I believe the opposite is probably true. Stone cold, conscienceless death.”
“Huh. And here I am, thinking you’re much more than a half-assed smile and a fully loaded dick. I think that who you are out there in the real world doesn’t hold a candle to who you are in actuality.”
It was hard to deny he had dreams and ambitions that stretched far beyond his duties as Death. Even if he couldn’t escape those responsibilities, companionship would be a bonus. Keeping Lara would achieve several of those aspirations in one move.
Striding over to the bed, Seth grabbed her ankles and hauled her down to the edge. Her laughter warmed him from the inside out, even as the goddamn air began to shimmer.
Groaning in exasperation, he released her legs, giving her a light pat on that upturned bottom. “Things are about to get weird,” he warned her, then rolled his eyes at the stupidity of his statement when she glanced at him over her shoulder, eyes flashing with amusement. “Weirder. Things are about to get weirder.”
“I can see that.”
As sparks of golden glitter rained down through the ceiling of his private abode—which was technically a breach of his privacy—Seth flipped the corner of the duvet over Lara’s ass and upper thighs, concealing the most important parts of her from view. “I believe the saying is, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”
“Oh, now I’m intrigued.”
Intrigued wasn’t quite the word he’d have used when the sparks swirled into vaguely human form, solidifying quickly enough to manifest in a flash of light bright enough to sear his retinas.
Irritated fit the bill perfectly.
“So the rumors flitting around on the clouds are true,” a familiar, rumbling voice said ominously. “One of the most feared immortals of all time is fraternizing with a mortal. You’ve got tongues wagging, and not in a good way.”
“Hello to you, too, Adephis.”
The angel matched Seth in height, but was twice his size in bulk. The last sparks settled into place, perfecting the almost brutal cut of his muscles. Behind him, his black and gold wings rustled as they settled into position.
Ethereal turquoise eyes met Seth’s in challenge.
“It’s unlike you to break rules, brother. How many thousands of years have you existed without defying those who lay down the laws of the universe? What you’re doing here is against everything you know is right, and it’s starting to clog up the system. All for a game?”
Of course, his elder sibling would know everything, Seth thought with frustration. There were few secrets kept amongst the hierarchy, no matter what plane of existence they were on.
“It’s none of your business, Adephis. The system is balanced.” He tapped a fingertip against his temple. “The list grows but it isn’t insurmountable. If you don’t want to send it into freefall, then I suggest you leave it well alone. This is my area of expertise, not yours.”
The towering angel folded his tree trunk arms across his barrel chest and smirked. “It becomes my business when the powers that be assign me the task of delivering her fate personally. A mortal cannot be allowed to avoid their call home because they feel like it. Angels have intervened before, but the guardians have not taken her under their wing. Her time is up, brother.”
Fuck. Seth sighed, uncaring that he was naked as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Anger began to trickle through his veins, heating the chill of his blood. “I must admit, it takes some balls to invite yourself into my private space, interrupting the brief time I have to myself. Here and now, she poses no threat to the system.”
“Um…can she speak?” Lara asked.
“No,” he barked, not taking his eyes off Adephis. He didn’t put it past his brother to kill the helpless female where she lay, leaving Seth to gather her soul and the pieces of whatever she was doing to his heart.
“Yes,” the contrary asshole purred. “Speak, little mortal.”
Seth bared his teeth as he heard the covers shift. He was fully prepared to claw his sibling’s eyes out if they dared to glance at Lara naked. “Be careful what you say, Ms. Townsend. My brother is somewhat of a trickster, turning your words into something completely different to what you intend.”
“Ms. Townsend?” Adephis scoffed. “Are you so lacking in your conversation skills that you don’t know that humans prefer to be called by their first name, or an endearment? Particularly those who warm your bed.”
Lara sat up, keeping the duvet tucked around her breasts, exposing only the length of her thigh. She ran her fingers through her hair, sweeping it back from her face. “He won’t use my name until I guess his. But you already know that, because you haven’t spoiled the game by calling him by his.”
“Oh, a clever one. At least you picked a semi-intelligent human to toy with.”