I give one card to Dad, and when it comes to his turn again, he flips it over, and it’s a jack. Uncle Davey’s hand hits first, and he grabs the pile, adding it to his hand.

“Looks like I’m out.” Dad sits back to see who would become the winner.

Uncle Davey and I smirk at each other. “It’s on.”

I lay a card down, he does the same, and we keep going. It takes a few rounds before we finally see a jack. Bam! Uncle Davey’s hand hits the jack before I even register I had laid down a jack. “Ughhh. You won’t beat me next time.”

“I just might if you keep this up.” He laughs and turns over a card. “Your turn.”

Another few rounds go by without jacks. Then score, as I get the next one! I pick up the cards, and we continue. Uncle Davey’s down to his last five cards, and I have the rest. One by one, the cards disappear from his hand — no jacks. I put down one more card, hoping it’s a jack. No dice, the game’s over.

“I won!” I stick out my hand to Uncle Davey and grin widely. “Good game.”

He shakes my hand and nods. “Good game, Bug.”

“Good game, Sky. Now, it’s almost time to get ready for bed. Why don’t you go jump into the bath, and I’ll be up soon?”

“Yes, Dad.” I hug Uncle Davey. “Good night, Uncle Davey.” I go into the living room, where I find Momma curled up on the couch with a book and hug her. “Night, Momma.”

“Good night, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.”

I’m in the middle of drying my hair when I hear a sudden knock on the door.

“You almost done, Bug?”

“Yes, coming!” I run the brush through my hair one more time and open the door. “Sorry, Uncle Davey. It’s all yours.”

“Oh, it’s okay, Bug.” He has a towel hanging over his arm and a bag of toiletries in his hand.

“I cleared some of my stuff out of the bathtub so you’d have a spot for yours.” I move out of the doorway so he can walk into the bathroom.

“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” He closes the door behind him and turns on the shower.

I let Dad know that I am ready for bed and head back into my room. My room isn’t all pink like the other girls I know. Mine has more of a softness to it, the way I like it. I am not one for pink and all the frills and princess themes. The bed is a full-sized bed with a super soft gray and yellow comforter and its matching pillowcases. In the corner, there’s a small desk where I do my homework. I don’t have a TV, but I have a stereo on top of the bookshelf. Just like Momma, I love my books — mostly mysteries. I pull one off the shelf and settle into bed.

A few pages later, Dad walks in. “Nancy Drew again?”

“Yep, she’s my favorite. I’m almost done with the series.”

“What’s next?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe some Agatha Christie?”

“Momma would love that.” Dad laughs.

I use a bookmark to keep track of the page I’m on, no dog ears for my books, and then I set it down on my nightstand. “Dad, what’s going to happen to Uncle Davey?”

“Well, he’s going to be living with us for a little while. He’s filing for divorce soon, and he needs a stable place to live. Then he’s going to work on himself a little bit and get through the divorce. After that, I’m not sure. That will be up to him.”

“Okay, he’ll get through this, right?”

“I know he will, baby. Sleep tight, sweet dreams.” Dad pulls the blanket up to my shoulders and kisses my forehead.

“Good night, Dad. Sweet dreams.” I drift off to sleep, dreams of solving a mystery floating through my mind.

Chapter Six