I glanced over my shoulder to see if the group of guys were still across the street. They were, and it felt like they were watching us. I tried to shake it off, though. Maybe they were looking down the alley. They could also be trying to decide if they wanted to go check it out.

Side by side, we walked down the alley, and every few steps I slyly looked over my shoulder. My stomach dropped when I saw the men jog across the street toward the mouth of the alley. Fuck. I kept my pace even with Adomas, who wasn’t even aware of the men. As we neared the fence, I could hear some of the men’s grunts as they jacked themselves off. Adomas and I grinned at each other and somehow managed to stifle our laughs.

When we reached the fence, none of the men bothered to look at us or pull their attention away from the fence. Adomas pointed to a hole in the plastic tarp that was closest to me. I stepped to the side and crouched to take a peek.

Temporarily, I forgot about anything going on around us when my eyes fell upon a guy sucking dick on the other side of the tarp. Holy fuck! I pulled my eyes off the action in front of me and looked over at Adomas. He found a spot in the plastic tarp and was enthralled with the activity on the other side. He had undone his pants and was already stroking. My fingers of one hand gripped the metal of the chain link fence while my other hand stroked myself. I was so close to blowing my load when I felt like someone was staring at me. I leaned my head back to look to my left. I jumped when I realized one of the guys from across the street was standing right beside me.

“You lost?” he asked me.

I shook my head.

“I think you’re lost,” he muttered.

“No. I’m fine.”

“Do you need a hand?”


“I don’t think you boys should be down here,” one of the other men said. I quickly turned on the balls of my feet and saw the other three guys.

“This isn’t a good place to be,” another one said.

“Unless … unless you’re one of those kinds.” The four of them looked at each other and grinned.

“Hey, we’re not. We just heard about this place and wanted to come see if it was for real,” Adomas said as he zipped up.

“Well, now you know it’s real,” the guy by the fence said.

“You guys ever seen stuff like what’s going on over the fence before?”

“Yes,” Adomas replied.

“Really?” The four men looked at one another and then one took a step closer. “Where? Hmm?” He shoved Adomas hard, causing him to stumble to the ground. I stepped closer to Adomas and helped him up. “Huh? Where have you seen such shit?”

They were haters.

“My dad has magazines,” Adomas mumbled.

I closed my eyes, wishing Adomas hadn’t said that.

“Hey, you’re the kid with the sick sister,” another man said. “I know where you live, you sick little fuck.”

“That’s right! I knew I’d seen this guy before.”

“Your sister is the dummy,” one man sneered.

“She has an illness. She isn’t dumb,” I said as calmly as possible.

“You know, you might be right,” he said as two of them took a step toward me.

“Or, illness must run in your family. If you’re here in this alley, you have an illness.” One guy punched me so hard in the stomach that my knees buckled, sending me down to the ground.

“Hey!” another man at the fence shouted. As he walked toward us, he tucked his dick into his pants and then stood in front of me. I quickly pushed myself up off the ground. “This is a peaceful area where everyone is accepted. Now, you leave these boys alone. They didn’t come down here to face hatred or name calling. You guys are the dumb ones with your archaic views.”

“If you want to spout your western world beliefs, get the fuck out of this country,” one of the thugs said to the man protecting us.

“The world is full of enough hate and problems. Don’t corrupt these boys with your poisonous thoughts.” The man looked over his shoulder at us. “Now, you boys get back to school.” When neither of us moved, he shouted, “Now!”