A duty assigned to me as Jax’s best friend.

Surely he wouldn’t approve of this joker fondling his little sister in class.

I glowered at them.

However, they were too lost in each other to notice.

A good thing, I supposed, because my reaction was entirely inappropriate. But this is why I didn’t want her in my class—it was a goddamn conflict of interest.

I wanted to throttle her for not listening to me.

More, I wanted to throttle myself for my lack of control.


With a mental growl, I cleared my head and focused on the lecture. It was a bit gruffer this time, my anger making it difficult to enunciate words in the easy manner from before. Mostly because I wanted to take Jenica over my knee and beat some sense into her.

Which was precisely why I needed her to stay the fuck away from me.

Every time I saw her, my urge to tame came out to play. And she wasn’t mine to tame. She wasn’t mine to fuck, either. She wasn’t mine, period.

This attraction was a serious problem.

It skewed my judgment and made me want to do things I shouldn’t.

Swallowing, I forced my way through tonight’s class and reminded everyone that midterm exams were next week. Since my assignment for them was a social media marketing campaign for a product of their choosing, we wouldn’t be meeting in person. Rather, they would submit everything online, and I would review their work.

A few stopped by with questions, allowing Jenica to escape.

I almost called after her to remind her of our appointment, but I didn’t.

Instead, I focused on the students in front of me, then packed up and headed to my office.

I was a few minutes early and half expected Jenica to already be there waiting for me.

She wasn’t.

And at ten after eight, I started to question whether or not she planned to come.

I knew Jenica—ignoring a professor wasn’t something she would do. So if she didn’t show up, it was because something had happened to her or she didn’t respect my position.

The former concerned me.

The latter provoked the Dominant inside me, making me want to find her and teach her a lesson.

She reminded me of a bratty sub, constantly pushing boundaries and trying to find a way to misbehave for the purpose of desiring punishment.

That wasn’t true at all; it was just my mind wandering and conceptualizing a relationship that did not—would not—exist between us.

Yet it was so easy to picture her kneeling at my feet with her head bowed and that luscious body on display.

I should have stayed at the bar Saturday night, I thought, craving a drink and something a little darker. A little sexier.

Of course, none of those girls had really been my type.

Because I found myself only desiring one female right now.

In a tight black dress wearing fuck-me heels.