I’ve never been without and now someone is denying me what I need to make one of my biggest dreams come true. I can’t bear to think about what I'm going to have to do in order to get this loan. If I call my parents, they’re just going to tell me to come home and give up on this dream I’ve been nurturing since I was a young child. I don’t get what it is that they can’t understand. I don’t want to be just another woman in college trying to find a regular nine to five. I want to make a living using my body. I want my beauty and skill to mean something. With all that I have, I should be rich beyond my wildest dreams right now. Instead I'm sitting here in the bank broke and practically begging for someone to give me a handout. That’s not what I’d consider a great day.

“No thank you. Have a nice day.” I stand up from my chair harder than I need and start to storm away. I turn around just in time to catch the man at the desk ogling my ass. His eyes jerk up to my face when he realizes I’ve turned back to look at him.

“You know what, I think I should tell your boss about your little fucking eye problem and maybe then we’ll see what you can do about getting me this loan.” I give him a sickly smirk and he simply chuckles.

“So sorry ma’am, I highly doubt that my admiring your backside is going to be the leverage you need to get a hundred thousand dollar loan, but please, let’s go see my boss and find out if she’d agree with you or me?” He stands and when I look to the back of the bank I see an older woman probably in her early seventies in a severe gray suit with her hair pulled back so tight it’s like she’s trying to rip the hair follicles from her scalp. I’m not going to get anywhere with her.

“No, screw you. It’s people like you that keep the youth of today down. You’re destroying a dream simply because I don’t meet your specific criteria. It’s sinful.”

“I don’t doubt you believe that, but right now this is how the world works. You get yourself some credit or a co-signer and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that you have your fair shot at getting this loan.” I shake my head and turn back towards the door. I need to get out of here and find a different way to get the money that I need for school.

After spending the last of my money on a cab I burst through the door of my apartment, leaving it wide open and flop on the couch. I lay my head in my hands, it’s fucking useless. I'm not going to get the money and there’s no one I can ask to get it.

“Hey, I assume that look means things didn’t go how you wanted them to,” Alexis asks as she pokes her head into my apartment.

“Not at all. It’s fine. Maybe I don’t need to go to this school after all. I mean honestly who expects the students to come up with this amount of money by themselves? I think I need to apply to other schools that have a more inclusive student body. Those type of funds are ridiculous.”

“You know what they say, you are what you pay for. This school is sought after by all the dancers that want to get into the big name schools. They pay arms and legs to get in.”

I laugh mirthlessly, “That's just what I’m going to have to do messing around with these people. No one will give me a loan and there’s no way for me to make that kind of money on my own.”

She sips her water and nods her head a few times. “Well that’s not exactly true,” she states softly and my eyes whip over to hers. Alexis might live next door, but she's in my apartment more than she’s in her own. I wouldn't call her my best friend, but she's my closest associate.

“What are you talking about?”

“Look, I didn’t say anything about this before, because I know you'd think this was below you or something like that. If I'm honest, it’s below me. But I also know that I need to make some money for the next rent or I’m going to be put out on my ass. I love to paint, but those masterpieces aren’t putting food in my belly.”

I don't want to ask how her work is going mostly because I just don’t care, but also it’s rude.

“Okay, so what are you talking about? Are you selling drugs or something?” I raise my eyebrow in suspicion.

“No, nothing like that. I just know of a match-making company who will pay you to spend time with a few of their clients. They are by far the most thorough service I've ever come in contact with and the money is real. I’ve already gone through them once and the client paid me fifty thousand dollars for one week's work.”

My heart stutters for a second and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from gasping out at the amount of money. Fifty thousand dollars would get me through two semesters. I could find a way to get the rest of the money or even apply for some scholarships before the rest of the time passes. I could really use that money.

I clear my throat and lean back into the chair. What I need to do is find out more information, because right now this seems like it’s too good to be true. “What about the cops, surely this has to be illegal? You’re prostituting yourself.”

“No, I'm not. These people that match with us are people that are looking for companions. There is a questionnaire you have to answer, blood work, a physical test, as well as an oral exam. This is no sugar daddies dot com or anything like that. I've heard stories about men that just want the matches to accompany them on dates and to pretend they are in a committed relationship. “These are infamously rich men that need someone to be discreet and find others that they can be discreet for. There are contracts and other safeguards in place. Could you imagine going to work for one week or two weeks and getting all the money you need to pay for your dancing career debt-free. You think we'd be able to make that kind of money prostituting ourselves on the street?”

I think about what Alexis is saying and though everything is telling me to run the other way I need that fucking money.

“What about the fact that we might get paired with some hundred-year-old man? I mean I need the money, but I'm not that good of an actress.”

Alexis claps her hands in excitement! “You don’t have to worry about that! I actually have a sure-fire way for you to enjoy your time with the clients and make sure you have someone who is compatible with you.”

“Yeah? How?”

“We cheat! I have the answers to the questionnaire and the actual exam answers that link up with a specific client. I can hack into the system to show you the photos of the men that you would be going for and what they want to do, and then we just print out the answers for them.” Alexis is excited and even though I am too, I can’t show it.

“Of course, you can't bring the answers with you into the testing facility. But as long as you can find a way to remember them you’ll be matched up with those people for sure. It’s as easy as taking candy from a baby. So, what do you say? Are you down? Do you think you want to do this with me? I'm going to try again to find a man that is willing to pay me a little more this time, and I really think you could find someone willing to give you over a hundred grand. Maybe for a bit of foot worship or BDSM play? You got the body and the face for it Genesys, everyone wants to get next to you.”

I sit back against the couch and think about what she’s saying. How bad could it be? Especially if there's a way for me to cheat the system, then why not give it a shot?

I smile at Alexis and nod my head once. “Let me see these men.”

Chapter Two

Alexis wasn't playing when she had said this place is as thorough as it gets. We've been tested for well over a week and still there are more tests for me to do. There's at least one more day of testing before we finally get chosen for our match. I’d chosen a thirty-five-year-old real estate tycoon who likes to have women piss and shit on him while he grovels at their feet. It's not something I'd ever be into, but if it's for two hundred grand, I'd shit on his chest in a decorative design.