"Where exactly do you expect me to stay? Being near him sends him into an epileptic attack. I refuse to sit in the lobby. And his apartment is where Claudia is staying."

"They don't want to risk putting him on a plane, so we're going to move him and Dia to my house once he's released."

"Dia?" I squinted at William, trying to figure out who he was talking about.

"Claudia. I nicknamed her that years ago when we first met. She's been Dia ever since." Whatever his thoughts, it made the brightest smile beam from him I'd seen yet. What was their story?

Despite my mood, I giggled at the awestruck man. He definitely wanted his second chance with "Dia."

"So what exactly are you proposing, Mr. Dubois?"

"Come to my home with us. I have a guest suite that you can take over. It'll give you space from him so he can sort things through. You also won't feel pressured since you'll be in your own environment, one that you can control. When the time is right, we'll get this mess sorted through."

"And if he never comes around?"

"He will."

"But if he doesn't?"

William gave me the look that I've seen on his son's face many times before. Certainty.

"A man can't ignore his instincts, especially about something that he considers being his. And you, dear girl, are very much his."

How does one dispute something like that?

* * *

Maybe I chose the wrong profession. If being a doctor has these kinds of perks, I definitely regretted not going to medical school. William lived in a large Tudor-style home. Large like six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a study, dining room, vast kitchen, entertainment suite, and that’s just in the main house. He was putting me in the In-law suite. There was a kitchen, bedroom, and garage. It was just as beautiful as the main house but cozier. It was perfect.

“I don’t want you to think that you’re all alone back here. Come over to the main house. There is a key on that ring that will let you in.”

“Thank you, Mr. Dubois. I know I didn’t mention it before, but I really appreciate everything that you’re doing.”

“Anything for my future daughter-in-law.” William winked, turned, and walked away, leaving me standing there in complete shock. Had he really just said that?

Getting settled in took no time. The refrigerator was bare, but about an hour after I got there, a girl showed up with groceries and some general toiletries. Not long after she left, I got a visit from Claudia. They had moved her into the main house and were coming to see how I was doing. It was then that I told her I felt bad about her knowing before I could tell Raphael about the baby.

“He’s not in a state where you can tell him. We’ll need to get you set up for care while you’re here. Got to make sure that my grandchild is healthy.”

“I knew something was wrong. I felt different and not to mention that nothing fits.”

“How far along do you think you are?”

“Well, if I had to guess, I’d be nearing three months. That was the last time that I saw Raph before he came here.”

“And already you think you’ve gained weight?”

“I wish it was just a thought. Most of the clothes that I brought with me don’t fit. I’ve been sticking to leggings and long shirts. Raphael has always liked me chunkier, but it makes me uncomfortable.”

“Yes, but now you have a reason to be. And you’ll continue to gain weight. When we go into town, we’ll pick you up a few things.”

As much as I wanted to protest, there was no way around it. The leggings were hot, and I didn’t plan to stay cooped up inside all the time either. The central air was pleasant inside, but I needed to feel the sun. No matter how sticky it was out. The smile lighting up Claudia’s eyes meant I was moving deeper into this situation than I wanted to. There was still the possibility that Raphael could reject me. He could choose to figure things out by himself or with What’s-Her-Name. There was no need to allow me any of the perks that Claudia and William afforded me.

And even though Claudia and William were being supportive, I would not get used to the idea of sticking around. Things were still in the air. Raphael had even asked for Ruthgina. It seemed as if she had a better chance than I had right now. And wasn’t that just the amount of irony I needed at the moment?

Chapter Twenty-One