Which I absolutely could not do.

Jax would kill me.

“I can take your class,” she countered, her chin jutting out in an adorably regal manner. “I am taking your class.”

“Don’t make me go to the administration, Jeni,” I warned her. “I’ll do it.”

“Jenica,” she corrected. “And sure. Go ahead, Pierce. No idea what your complaint will be, as we’re not related.”

I blew out a breath in exasperation. “You’re practically my sister. That’s an absolute conflict.”

“Except I’m not,” she returned coldly. “You’ve seen me twice in the last three years. We barely know each other now.” She shrugged. “But if you feel that strongly about it, go to the administration. Otherwise, I’ll see you next week.”

She bent to pick up her bag, dismissing me for a third time.


“The answer is no, Professor,” she replied, glancing over her shoulder at me. “I’m not withdrawing. If you want me out, you’ll have to force me out.”

And with that, she walked her sweet ass out of my classroom.


Chapter Three


I checked my email every few minutes for the better part of a week.

Nothing came through about changing my schedule.

So I showed up again the next Monday for Pierce’s course.

He didn’t look at me this time, his eyes seeming to stray everywhere else in the room except for in my direction.

I wasn’t sure why he’d been against me attending his class. Maybe he thought I couldn’t handle the material. Maybe he questioned my intelligence. Maybe he still saw me as a kindergartner and not a college student.

Regardless, I was determined to prove him wrong.

So I engaged in class, making sure he knew I’d prepared for today’s lesson. Or I attempted to, anyway. He refused to call on me.

Yet he had no problem pointing to Emily three times for answers.

By the end of class, I was fuming.

But rather than call him on it, I chose to leave without a word and prepare myself for the next class.

Maybe he thought I’d been raising my hand for his benefit, just as he thought I’d enrolled in this class for him.

Which, yeah, I had taken this course because of him.

But something told me his reasoning for my decision varied from the true cause.

He was oblivious to my crush on him, mostly because he saw me as a seven-year-old.

Well, I’d just prove him wrong in next week’s class.

Only, he ignored me again, calling on everyone else except for me.