A simple kiss to the column of my neck stopped humanity from living. It cured world hunger and cancer too. A kiss, as perfect as it was, made me glance down into eyes that pleaded with me. Ones that made me want to move hills and valleys for her. A single look from her had me afraid to open my mouth. Three words lined the tip of my tongue, ready to burst free.

Anise raised her hands so that her fingertips could fiddle with the hair at the back of my head. Each stroke of her fingers pulled me further under her spell. She leaned up, kissing the opposite side of my neck, and nibbled the underside of my chin. The spindle winding the thread between us pulled tighter, stressing the fibers to where it’d pop at any moment.

Warmth curled my toes, firmed the muscles in my thighs, tightened my grasp on her waist, galloped the pace of my heart, and inched my lips closer to hers. Anise followed, leaning up to meet my lips as though hesitancy guided her.

“And here we are again,” I spoke.

“Yes,” she responded breathlessly.

“Don’t run from this, Anise.” I pushed.

“Don’t make me.”

“I didn’t last time. I wanted you to stay. But you were hell-bent on hightailing it back here.”

“Can we talk about that later?” Anise’s lips were so close that I could taste her. Every word that she spoke lit up my taste buds and encouraged me to take more than she was offering.

“Yes.” And with that, I made the last leap. Her lips were softer than I remembered. She still tasted of sin and a future filled with lots more of this.

Her fingers laced behind my head, but she gave in to me. She took nothing. She gave. I explored. Slowly, I marked her mouth with my tongue before pulling her tongue into my mouth to claim that, too. The music seemed to amplify. Filling my head with the words at the same time that Anise’s magic filled my veins.

This is our love. We should be together. Your hands holding mine.

This is our love. We need to be together. My arms around ya’ suga’.

This is our love. We could be together. Your lips against mine.

This is our love. We want to be together. My body missing yours.

And it was all true.

* * *

Stepping onto the street for a few drinks and lots of dancing later, things felt right. Booze clouded my judgement and the woman in my arms felt like mine. I stole another kiss as we rocked back and forth like time wasn’t an issue. It was nearly three in the morning and the city streets were just as alive as when the night began.

“I could live off of just your kisses.” I admitted.

Anise giggled. “You’re drunk Raphael Dubois.”

“And you’re beautiful, Anise Martine.”

“Love is always nice to see. Especially when it’s young and naïve. Let me make you wiser.”

We turned to see a woman sitting outside on a beautifully carved chair. The detail behind her head gave her a mythical aura. The bright purple cropped shirt she wore made her appear regal and knowledgeable. Worldly. A long white sheer train began at her waist and flowed to the ground when she stood. Her stomach was revealed, including a navel piercing, before a fitted, long blue skirt took over. It stopped under her knees to reveal strappy golden sandals that laced up her legs.

Her clothing was bright, eye-catching, and bold. Her hair was short and gelled back off her face, revealing enchanting eyes that observed us. I was transfixed by her, spellbound. She was beautiful. And while I couldn’t look away from her, she didn’t compare to Anise. There was something else that drew me to her. Something that dared me to run the other way.

“I have answers. Ones you crave. Raphael, do you trust me?” She asked. Her eyes glowed with a white ring around her pupil. What was she?

How did she know my name?

“Senga knows all. Come.” She turned and walked inside the glass doors that led to a storefront.

Without looking back behind me for Anise. I followed. We passed through a room with several seats lining the walls. There were several incense burning along the walls. Lavender. Sage. Candles. No lights were on, just the soft glow of flames from so many candles, I couldn’t keep track. There was an enormous tree drawn on the wall with names under the branches. There was one that seemed to burn orange. Senga.

Wind seemed to whirl in the next room beyond the curtain that separates me from Senga. I paused, unsure what I was walking into.

“Come…” The word rode the wave of wind and then floated into nothingness. Soft. Delicate. Tempting. Motivating.