
And didn’t that fuck up my flow? Steady, teasing strokes became quicker humping of my hips into hers. She was getting there, on the cusp of a great sexual epiphany, before tumbling down into the depths of orgasmic glory. Close. Teetering on the edge.

She tried to speak several times, but I was set on continuing to make that difficult for her. If I couldn’t speak, she shouldn’t be able to either. She gripped me tighter than any glove and she pulsed around me, messing up my thoughts that seemed to be a constant chanting of her name.

I’ve had sex plenty of times, but none of them felt this way. And this frenzy that it wrapped me up in was a big ass pill to swallow. It was different. Something wilder than it prepared me for, and I was too addicted to walk away and call it quits.

I’d love to meet the man strong enough to walk away from Anise with all of themselves intact. I’d tried that three years ago and look at me now. Something that started so innocent, a goddamn taxi ride, and now I was balls deep inside her, never wanting to stick my dick in any other woman because it would never feel as good.

“Raph, please!”


I tilted my hips, arching hers, and the entire world exploded behind my eyes.

“Yes! Oh my god! Yes! Raph, yes! God, I love you!”

And that demented, sick part of me came again, and I knew it was wrong. She was in love with me, and I didn’t believe in it. How in the hell were things going to be now?

Chapter Seven


During the night, I’d gotten up to pee and realized that my entire body was sore, especially between my legs. It was the good sore that you cherished the next day, like a dirty secret that no one else knew about and that you hoped was gone by the time you got home so you could do it all over again.

In the morning, I would bathe and soak to help me recuperate. Now, though, I needed to pee and find some food. With one need taken care of, I stumbled through the gigantic house, trying to find the kitchen. I was pretty sure that I’d made a wrong turn somewhere because as I walked on; the house looked less familiar. I followed the hall until I got to a door that was slightly ajar. I opened it and turned on the light to reveal…

I blinked, wondering if I was still asleep. What was… No. I was going to find my way back upstairs and get in bed and make this all disappear. I flipped the switch, pulling the door back to how it was before, and tried to find my way back upstairs. It took time, but I made it. I climbed into bed, closing my eyes, but sleep evaded me. And all I kept thinking was that I was so far away from home. What had I gotten myself into? And why did I tell Raphael that I loved him?

Chapter Eight


“You’re up early,” I said as I leaned against the doorframe of the guest room, watching her pack up her clothes in a frenzy.

“Packing up. I think it’s time that I head home. I don’t want to wear out my welcome.”

“Never. I enjoy having you here with me.”

She looked afraid that I would hurt her, and that sickened me. What was wrong with her?

“I know it’s sudden, but homesickness is really kicking in. Maybe you can come to visit me next time or something.”

“Ok, that sounds like a plan.” I was confused about this whole situation. “Is this about last night?”

“No, it has nothing to do with last night.”

“Excuse me, sir.”

I turned to see Susie behind me.


“Eh…” She peeked to see Anise and then motioned for me to follow her out of the room.

Before I could figure out what was going on, the doorbell echoed. Susie gave me an uncertain look before scurrying off to the door. I followed and, when she opened it, I didn’t expect to see the one woman that made me see red every time I saw her.

“Ruthgina…” I tried not to slam the door in her face.