“No,” I cried out, the truth even more heinous than I had ever imagined. I knew Stefano Vaccaro was a monster, but I had no idea of how much of one. To think that I was willingly allowing this man to lay a single finger on me had me nauseous. I had to end him tonight. My mind started to conjure up past scenes and I allowed the tears to fall as I remembered every ounce of pain that he inflicted on me, and how I would beg for more. It’d all been a mission, and with each second longer that Stefano was allowed to breathe, it was a second longer than he deserved. “Don’t you see? I have to do this now for sure.”

“No!” The word cracked in the air like a whip, and I flinched as if waiting for the blistering strike from a single tail. “I believe that he also abused my mother before she was murdered. In fact, I have it on good authority that he was behind it all.”

I read what had happened to her. She’d been killed by a rival strike, or had it been intentional. “Do you think he turned her over to them?”

Nazario chuckled. “Even worse. I have proof that he killed her himself and set them up for it, like he did others for Donna’s death. And for Kristalina.”

I remembered that name and now thinking about it, I did recall that he was very close to her. Visions of the two of them sitting together, or standing by one another’s lockers came flashing back. I also remember that she went home one day and was never seen at school again. I wanted to feel bad for Nazario, but I knew firsthand that he was no saint.

“Did Stefano see us last night?”

“No, but one of these nights, he will. He will watch me break his wife, and only then will he know how sour the taste of betrayal really is when you’re on the receiving end of it.”

“You’re fucking crazy. I’m not marrying...” And before I could get the rest of my thoughts out, the lights flickered on and I raced to the door. Tonight, Stefano would die, and this nightmare would be over.

Chapter Nine


I had gone upstairs and locked the bedroom door behind me. If Nazario really wanted to get to me, I knew he’d tear the door off of its hinges. He likely assumed I was crying like a girl, but he’d be wrong. The first thing that I did upon entering the room that caused bile to rise in my throat was to get my most prized blade out from the hidden compartment of my suitcase, and place it under the pillow. After, I also got out the syringe which contained something that would neutralize Stefano long enough for me to make him suffer, and that I planned to do. I then sent a text message to him, pretending to be concerned about him with the storm. He replied back that he was on his way home, so I spent the rest of my time getting the shower prepared.

I knew he would be tempted to join me, so I placed the small syringe out of eyesight, and leisurely began to shampoo my hair. The fragrant scent of roses in bloom filled the steam filled capsule and I closed my eyes. Most people, even when planning out a murder, were rarely this calm, but I had been waiting for this day for an entire decade. I finished with my hair and had just clipped it atop my head when the door to the bathroom opened.

My eyes zeroed in on Stefano who was staring at me with such lust in his eyes. They were as dark as his soul, and one which was about to take a trip south to hell where he belonged. Kristalina. Donna. All of the others without names or voices played like some sick slideshow in my head. He was about to die, and I would finally have fulfilled what turned out to be my life’s purpose.

Ignoring him, I turned and picked up the bar of soap. I began to run it over my breasts and down my belly. He loved my body, often telling me in both Italian and English how much. When the door opened, I wasn’t surprised as this was exactly what I expected him to do. He was playing into my hands. Placing the soap back onto its small dish, I made sure to cover the syringe.

“I’ve missed you,” he rasped as he pulled me against his naked body. His cock was long and proud, bobbing between us.

“I’ve missed you, too,” I lied. His head lowered to my neck and I let out one of those soft feminine sighs that he liked so much, and moaned when his roaming fingers found the same area that Nazario had licked, bit, and pinched a half-hour earlier. Remembering how hot I’d been for him, I couldn’t hold that feeling long enough. Stefano was none the wiser, however, and he continued to kiss me while murmuring things to me in Italian.

When he jerked one of my legs up and thrust inside of me, I reached for the syringe. I managed to get it into my hand without accidentally pricking myself or alerting him to my actions. Stefano drove into me, his erratic but strong thrusts meant to mark me. So many others had been subjected to him, and this, but I would make sure that no one else ever would.

Raising the syringe, I brought it down on his ass and stabbed him with it. A sound unlike any other that I’d ever heard from him echoed in the small space. It would only take seconds for the ketamine and whatever else was added to take effect. He reached back and jerked it from him, but before he could do anything else, Stefano slumped against me, nearly knocking me over in the process.

I was able to step around him, and pick up the evidence. I tossed the syringe into the bathroom sink, then I draped a bathrobe around me. I went into the bedroom and pulled the chair from his desk in the corner, then gathered up enough ties to firmly bind him in place. When I returned to the bathroom, he was awake, but unable to move. I turned off the water, and not even bothering to dry him off, I used all of my strength to drag him across the tiled travertine floor and into the bedroom.

I was nearly exhausted by the time that I got him bound to the chair. His pupils were dilated, but his wide eyes were fully open. I slapped him in that moment, and they turned toward me. I knew he was confused, and it was highly arousing to see his fear, too. “Mio signore,” I said, mocking the title of Lord that he liked for me to call him.

He tried to speak, but the garbled sound was incoherent. I smirked as I continued to circle around him. I wanted to kill him when he could move, and as fast acting as these sedatives were, they’d only last for so long, and once he regained feeling in all extremities, I would end him and this nightmare once and for all. While I waited for that to happen, I discarded the robe and put on a set of lingerie. I made sure to wear red because I knew how much he loved that color on me. Memories of my past with him came rushing back, but I pushed them away. Every reaction of mine had been forced, and I didn’t need a trip down memory lane to remember how much he liked to fuck me. I pulled the clip out of my hair and proceeded to brush and dry it before moving back over to him.

I retrieved my blade from under the pillow and slapped the blunt end against his cheek. I did it a few times before he spat out a curse that had me smiling. I didn’t care that he thought I was a bitch. He was about to see just how much of one I could be.

“Is that any way to speak to your fiancée?” I hadn’t agreed to become anything with him, but I knew what his intentions had been.

“I’ll never marry you now,” he swore and the vehemence in his voice would’ve been comical if I had given a damn about what he had to say. “Untie me and I might let you live, though.”

“Tsk, tsk,” I chided. “I think that I’m the one in control now.”

I moved in front of him and because I had bound him to the chair, he was unable to do anything to stop me from climbing onto his lap. Even now, he was still so hard. That must be a Vaccaro male thing. I almost wanted to tell him as much, but I had other things to say first. Maybe, I would tell him how thoughts of his only son would get me off whenever I was with him. It’d be a fitting way to send him off to the afterlife.

“I used to like when you tied me up,” I told him, and he looked at me with confusion, especially when I dragged the sharp tip of the knife down his bare chest. “When you would drag your blade against my skin, I would imagine that the tables were turned, and it was you wondering whether your next breath would be your last while having to pretend to enjoy it.”

He didn’t say anything until I grabbed his cock with my free hand. “Stop! I’ll give you whatever you want.”

I let out a soft giggle. “If only it was that easy.” I brought the knife to his cock and having to resist actually cutting it off for now, I instead slit him nearly from base to tip. The sound he made had me smiling wider. I then brought the bloody blade back to his chest and using the dull side, I pressed it against his heart. “Is this why you did it?”

“Did what?” he asked between groans. His breath was coming in shallow pants and I just hoped that he didn’t hyperventilate to death before I got to say everything that I had to say, then slit his throat.