I sighed. “Why are you so stubborn?!”

“I’m not. When I want something, I make it happen.”

“But you’re not listening to reason.”

“Actually, you haven’t given me any.”

“You’re ridiculous!”

“And you’re beautiful.”

Words. Caught. In. My. Throat.

“I’m booking the flight that will get you here early. There’s a hockey game that I’m attending in a couple of nights. I’ll get you a ticket, so you can enjoy it too.”

“Do I get a say in any of this?”

“Yes, window or aisle?”

“Window. I’ll tell you what. I’ll come if I get good seats.”

“You mean like the last time I got your seat?”

“Last time?”

“Yes, when we rode to New York together.”


“Yes. Who else would have?”

“I thought that…”

“All me, baby.”


“If you leave at six tomorrow evening, you can be here at nine in the morning.”

“Raph, why?”

“Why not?”

I sighed. I couldn’t do this with him.

“I want to see you. It’s been three years. You have the time off. It’s a good time for me. It’s time.”

I watched him admire my body and the lust that awakened behind his eyes. He wanted me. I wanted him. It was wrong. So wrong.

“Book it.”

He smiled brightly, and I wished I could capture the moment. “Good girl.”

And that’s how I ended up in London two days later.

Chapter Three