“Pot meet kettle,” I muttered when I realized that I might actually be eviler than the very man who’d sired me. I wasn’t bad in the same ways as Stefano, but I was certainly more ruthless than him, and one day soon, everything he had would be mine. That included the woman I now couldn’t shake.
Viviana Spataro was a bombshell. She had a body that others would kill for, including mile long legs I wanted nothing more than to drape over my neck as I ate at her wet pussy. It was more than sexual with her, though. Even fully dressed, she wore her greatest feature which was confidence, and it would also be her biggest downfall if she didn’t listen to reason. She would hear nothing of it. Her rage and indignation at my very suggestion that she try didn’t even mar the classical beauty of her face.
Her face was sharply defined, especially those gorgeous eyes and full lips. Her skin used to be pale like porcelain, but she’d been tanning, and the sun-kissed hues made her even more irresistible. She was more than simple looks. Unlike other mistresses of my father, I knew she was intelligent, book smart to a fault. She was so smart back in school, and while she wasn’t using common sense right now, I knew she had truly thought and planned this revenge scheme out. Unfortunately, even the best laid plans often went awry, as hers would undoubtedly do.
“You’re acting so foolish,” I said aloud, calling her every bit of the fool she was acting like.
Despite all of that, I had still gone in search of a squillo on the estate and spent the remainder of the night fucking her while thinking of another woman. When I had finally accomplished what I’d been trying to do, the orgasm I had was fucking powerful. I left the woman in a boneless heap in the room I had taken her, and then I returned to my own.
The following morning, I had gotten a chance to tell my father about his trusted friend, and I let him hear the confession for himself. Something akin to pain flashed across the old man’s features, but I knew it couldn’t be regret or hurt because that would require a heart and we both knew he didn’t possess one. Stefano then told me that he and Viviana were going to the Sicilian countryside for a few days, and then they were gone.
I had hoped to use that time to forget about her. After all, it’d be a matter of time before she was tossed aside as all the others had been, and that was if she lived to regret ever getting mixed up with him to begin with. My father often tired of women and after he broke them down, they became disposable which often meant they would be forced to live out their days as a squillo for the organization to run through while watching him move on to the one that had taken her place, or he would traffick them off to someone else where they’d never be seen or heard from again.
Viviana would be the perfect candidate for the latter simply because she had no siblings and her parents had both passed away in a car accident years earlier. There would be no one to miss her, so he could upgrade without anyone batting an eye. If she fought him on it, she’d end up like her friend, and so many others before and after, that struggled until their very deaths.
“I can’t let him destroy you,” I swore with vehemence. By saving her, perhaps I could save my own soul. While one woman didn’t make up for all of the others I had allowed to be hurt, it would make sure that another didn’t suffer a similar fate which had to count for something.
I didn’t know how to convince her other than through seduction so the night that they returned, I went down to the pool to plan my next move. Stefano was gone to his nightclub and would be there for hours, and I knew Viviana would stay home. It wasn’t often that my father would allow any woman at his different businesses, and that hadn’t changed when he’d gotten together with her.
I looked up from my chaise lounge when a shadow crossed in front of me. It was Viviana. I could not only tell from the shape of her silhouette, but from the scent that I knew was uniquely hers. She always smelled of raspberries, the tartness mingled with a hint of something so sweet and intoxicating that it often grabbed my attention. And, it wasn’t the only thing that did. As I raised my brow and watched her from beneath my lashes, my dick immediately got hard. She was in another sheer robe that hid nothing from my hungry gaze.
“If you take a picture, it’ll last longer,” she told me as she moved closer to where I sat.
There was a fluidity in the sway of her hips that had me imagining how it’d feel to have her sweet pussy riding my long, thick cock. She’d take in every inch of me, and I would come so hard inside of her. I already knew how tight and hot she was, and it merely pissed me off more that my father was the one to get to enjoy it day in and day out. Even taking away her sensual charms, she was feisty, and I knew she’d keep my cock hard long after I fucked her.
“Are you going to say something, or just stare at me all night?”
Her question had me smirking. She didn’t want to carry on a conversation with me, and we both knew it. I rose from my seat and moved over to her. She shivered when I lightly dragged two fingers down her arms. “And, what is this something that you want me to say?”
I leaned in and used my nose to nudge aside the long, silken locks of her ebony hair. I then trailed kisses along her collarbone, causing her breath to hitch in her throat.
“I came down here for a late night swim, and nothing more.”
I continued to grin at her lie. She knew I’d been down here because I had seen her on the balcony not even an hour before. She’d been with my father. Seeing the two of them together infuriated me. I had come to realize in the weeks she’d been with Stefano that he was very fond of this woman. If he didn’t get bored, or her true intentions stayed hidden, he might even marry her.
Everyone knew to whom she belonged, or did they? The way that Viviana was moaning at my touch only confirmed what I knew. She was attracted to me, and in a way that she would never be with my father. She was also putting herself in harm’s way and it would pain me to have her get caught up in my thirst for revenge against Stefano, and end up nothing more than collateral damage in a deadly game she’d been warned to give up.
My hands moved up the front of her and when I squeezed her firm breasts in my palms, she let out an aroused sigh. “I think that you’re lying. To me, and to yourself.”
She slapped my hands away and turned around to face me. Her eyes burned with all the passion that I one day wished to unleash. The wicked things that I had dreamed of doing to this female burned inside of me like adrenaline, fueling me to pull her closer and take her where we stood. The only reason I did not was because the same way we had seen one an hour ago, my father could return home and step outside onto the balcony and see the same.
“Believe what you want, Naz.” She then looked down to see how hard I was for her. To be honest, it was a constant state of arousal, and had been long before I ever laid eyes on her a year ago. I watched as she began to smirk, and nearly growled when her dainty hands moved to the belt of her robe. My eyes narrowed in on her candy apple red nails, perfectly manicured, and long enough to leave hellacious scratches down my back.
“Be careful,” I warned, my tone conveying just how close she was to being bent over this chair and fucked six ways to Sunday.
She ignored the warning and opened the robe completely, displaying her full breasts and toned flesh to me. She was completely flawless, and I knew exactly how smooth her skin was. I wanted to fuck her. Hell, I wanted to completely own her in every way, and maybe once I took out my father, I could take everything that was his, including this female. Was she really that, though?
If she was Stefano’s, she wouldn’t be shedding her robe and teasing a man known to despise such things, while looking up at me with such pleading eyes. Mine locked in on hers, and I felt myself sinking beneath the dark surface of them. I was drowning in those black pools, and she knew it. Her tongue slowly peeked out from between her luscious lips, and I had to tamp back my growl and show some restraint when she slowly slid it across her bottom one. Side to side. I watched as she dangerously provoked me, all while imagining that hot mouth of hers wrapped around my cock.
“You’re seconds away from getting fucked,” I told her.
Her haughty laugh should’ve grated on my nerves, but it only made me harder. “Promises, promises, Naz. I remember the last time, and I’ve had better.”
I knew exactly what she was referring to, and her last quip was brushed aside. She wanted me that night, and she still did. I’d wanted to convince her to give up this suicide mission she was on, but she had rebuffed my offer to her. In return, I’d punished her by showing her what she was missing out on as long as she intended to hold onto this stubbornness. Her earlier words only confirmed that she was not reconsidering my offer, or warning, as she’d soon see.
I didn’t respond to her attempt to get my goat. I instead turned and walked back to my chair. She let out a small huff, and I only turned around when something soft and silky hit my upper back. I looked at my feet where her robe now lay, then turned to see her dive gracefully into the pool.
A streak of moonlight cut through the center, illuminating one side of the pool while leaving the other cloaked in darkness. That one corner was of course the one she chose to swim to. I smirked and removed my shorts, now just as naked as she was. Since she had her back turned to me, she didn’t know that I had gotten undressed, too.