“I can’t.”

“Why? You’re not working. You have the time. No excuses this time. Come see me.”

“I can’t afford to. I need to keep everything that I have so that I can pay my bills until I find a job.”

“I didn’t ask for you to pay for it. I asked you to come to see me.”

Did I want to see him? Absolutely. I just knew that seeing him after this, the bathroom, and how I seemed powerless to him, was taking a tremendous risk.

“Where will I stay?”

“Here with me.”

“Your mom?”

“She’ll be okay if you are.”

“You’re in London for work! Besides, you never let anybody stay with you.”

“You’re not just anybody. You’re Anise.”


“Say yes, Nise. Come visit with me. Let me show you London. It is on your bucket list, after all.”

“Eh… when?”

“I’ll book your ticket now.”

“Your date, Raph.”

“I’ll cancel.”

“No! Go. We can discuss this when you get back.”

Raphael undressed as I fussed at him that this wasn’t okay. He propped up his phone on his desk as he began tapping away at his laptop. The entire time ignoring everything that I said.

“How quickly can you pack?”

“Raphael Dubois!” I shouted.

“Anise Martine.”

I sighed. “You’ve got that girl waiting for you. Please go out. Call me when you get back and we can sort out the details.”

“I’m not going. I have to prepare for your arrival. They have a flight for tomorrow.”

“No! Raphael, I need time to get things figured out.”

“What things?”


“Tomorrow it is.”


“Too late. I’ve already reserved a seat.”