Smiling down at my three babies, I realize how incredibly blessed I am.
“What is going on in here?” Nolan asks, walking in next and scooping up the baby in his arms as he does. He blows raspberries into her neck, making Katy’s giggles fill the kitchen.
“We’re hungry, Daddy!” Vanna informs.
He looks at me, a hunger of his own written all over his handsome face. “Hungry, huh?” he asks with a devilish smirk directed at me. “How about you give Mommy time to finish what she’s doing and then we go out for ice cream?”
“Yes!” Vanna yells before grabbing Aiden’s hand. Together, they jump up and down as excitement pours out of them.
“Go watch one more Paw Patrol, and then we’ll go. Okay?”
They agree, squealing and running out of the kitchen to get onto the task their father just gave them in order to get rewarded with ice cream.
“Ice cream, huh?” I grin, turning back to my sink full of plastic cups.
His hands find my hips as he pushes up against my back, his lips at my ear. “We’ll take them to the park and give them ice cream and wear them out. Put them to bed and then I can have my way with you.” He nips at my neck, making a shiver roll through my body.
When his hand slides down my stomach to cup my heat, I drop the cup in my hand to grip the sink and bite my lip to muffle the moan wanting to escape.
“Better finish those dishes if you want a treat too,” he quips, stepping away from me. My head whips around to find him sauntering out of the kitchen with a chuckle.
The kids finish their show, and I finish the dishes. Loading into our suburban-life mini-van, we head out to get ice cream and then to the park to let the kids run around and play.
Nolan chases Aiden and Vanna while I push Katy in a swing. My ears fill with the sound of all of their joy, and my heart fills with a happiness and contentment I wasn’t sure I’d feel again so soon.
I know this isn’t the end. Things will still get busy and crazy. I’ll still be exhausted. Nolan will still have to work a lot. But the difference is that now I know that with a voiced concern, the introduction of a stranger and his demise, I can find myself in my husband again.
I don’t know how many men would do that, but mine will.
Nolan is gone for the weekend for work, but thankfully Grace is able to stay with the kids for the night.
I hadn’t had a night away in almost a year. Once Nolan and I reconnected with the help of James, we kept up our nights away for a while to give us time to be together without the distraction of the kids. It helped us stay connected to each other and continue the intimacy that we both needed.
Like most things, after nearly a year, it slowly faded into the background of life. I still occasionally had a day out to myself, but nights away were few and far between.
It didn’t bother me most of the time, but every now and then I craved that feeling that I had from before. The excitement, the exhilaration from meeting someone “new” that I could be me with.
I kissed the kids goodnight and left with a small overnight bag filled more with snacks and bottles of wine than clothes.
As I drove toward the hotel, I realized I was close to my favorite little Italian restaurant. I asked to sit at the bar, ordering a glass of Chardonnay as I looked over the menu. Deciding calories be damned, I ordered fettuccine alfredo with garlic shrimp.
Attempting to keep my food-gasm to myself as I ate my delicious food, I took my time, relishing in the fact that not only did I not cook this meal, but I got to eat it hot and fresh.
I asked for a second glass of wine to enjoy before I headed to my hotel and was surprised when the bartender set down a plate with chocolate truffles on it. Seeing the look of confusion on my face he tilted his head to the side. “A gift from the gentleman who’s been staring at you all evening.”
Turning to see who sent me the dessert and to thank them, my lips parted when I was met with piercing blue eyes. My hand fell to my stomach in an attempt to calm the swarm of butterflies there.
“I hope you don’t mind me being so forward, but I couldn’t stop looking at you,” the gift-giver says to me. He gestures to the open seat between us, asking permission to move closer to me. With a smile and nod, I grant his request, turning slightly to face him more as he slides closer.
He leans forward, his cologne filling the air as much as his heat, dizzying me. “Your mouth is divine, by the way.” He sits back with a sexy smirk. “May I buy you another glass of wine?”
Biting my lip, I nod. He orders another glass of Chardonnay for me and a glass of Scotch for himself. Once the bartender pours our glasses, the stranger next to me raises his glass. “To beautiful strangers meeting.”
Clinking my glass to his, I take a sip, not taking my eyes off of him.