“That man has it bad for you, honey,” I hear the barista say behind me.

I chuckle to myself. Turning around, I lift a shoulder. “Maybe.”

* * *

“What’s with your face?” Grace asks when I get back home, still wearing the same smile I had earlier.

“Nothing,” I reply, trying to hide my goofy grin.

Rolling her eyes at me, she shakes her head. “You’re ridiculous. Whatever. I’ll find out sooner or later. You can’t keep secrets for shit.”

“I can too!”

“You couldn’t keep it a secret longer than it took to pee on the stick that you were pregnant with Vanna. You called to tell me you lost your virginity at that house party point five seconds after the dude climaxed. And you let it slip to Mom when Dad bought them the beach house a month before she was supposed to know. You suck at secrets.”

“Bitch,” I mumble, picking Katy up, kissing her soft baby skin.

Throwing her head back, Grace lets out a laugh. “Call me what you want, but you know I’m right.”

“I can to keep secrets,” I mumble to myself, adding, “I’ll tell you when I’m ready,” to my sister.

“I gotta go. I’ll expect your text in about thirty minutes or so then?”

“Shut up!” I laugh, not able to hold back any longer. “Get out!”

Chapter Nine


Pressing the heels of my hands against my eyes, I let out a deep sigh. My boss just came into my office to tell me he’s noticed my lack of attentiveness and how much extra time I’m taking away from the office.

I’ve been trying so hard to give my family more of my attention and time, and now it’s come back to bite me in the ass.

Why does being a grown-up have to be so damn demanding? Can I please go back to being an asshole teenager without any worries or cares except what girl was on my arm at the next party?

Groaning, I pull up Stella’s cell to call and deliver the bad news. Figured it was better to call instead of texting this one.

“Hey, babe,” she answers all chipper, and my heart sinks.

“Hey, look, Thomas just left my office after reaming me out for letting my family take priority over work lately.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Stella, babe, I know. It’s stupid and not right, but I also can’t lose this job.”

“So, you’re just going to bend over and take it?” I crack a smile hearing her talk like that. I love it when my Stella gets fired up.

“If anyone is bending over and taking it, it’s you,” I growl into the phone, hoping to take some of the tension out of this conversation.

“Nolan, I’m serious.”

“Me too.” I hear her let out a frustrated groan. “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to give work more time for a little bit until I can figure out a middle ground where he’s happy and so are you.”

“This is ridiculous,” she scoffs.

“Stell, I know. Just… please be patient with me, okay?”

“Fine,” she grits into the phone, but I know she’s pissed.