For the first time in my life, I feel safe. Closing my eyes, I smile as Damien’s hands continue to caress my arms.

The slight breeze drifts through my hair. The afternoon sun heats my face. Perfect. For a single moment, the day is perfect.

Damien’s hands continue stroking my arms, all the way down to my hands. He clasps them in his, cradling my stomach, too.


No one has to know.

He slips something on my finger.

“What?” I open my eyes and glance down to see a ring with a massive diamond on it.

“Marry me.” His words are whispered, but they still take my breath away.

“What?” My knees buckle, but he’s there, holding me up.

“Marry me.”

A tear falls from my eye. This isn’t real. I’m dreaming. I blink, and he’s still there, his arms wrapped around me. The huge rock, still on my finger.

“I-I . . .”

He leans closer, his breath tickling my ear as he kisses my neck. “This is where you say ‘yes,’ Kalena Rose.”

“I . . . Yes.”

A new wave of tears fall down my cheek. I don’t know if they’re happy or sad tears. Before they trail all the way to my chin, Damien kisses them away. He hugs me tighter.

I close my eyes. He never has to know. I’ll be a good girl. For him.

Something inside my stomach jolts. I smile, staring out at the horizon. I’ll be a good girl.

For us.