The waiter takes that moment to arrive. “May I start you with something to drink, ma'am?”
* * *
Swallowing the last bite of my poke, I lean back in my seat. I sip on my Mai Tai, watching the waves. Kane and Hector still hover at the next table, far enough that I can pretend I'm alone yet still protected.
I shake my head, wishing the need for safety would wane, receding like the waves only never return.Taking another sip of my drink, I let the bright sun bathe my arms and legs. For a moment, I close my eyes, forcing all of the darkness out.
“Can you get ahold of Velasquez?” Kane's voice breaks through my meditation.
Sighing, I open my eyes to find him tinkering with his walkie-talkie or whatever little thing lets them all communicate without using a phone.I've seen Damien use one, but it's not my business. Besides, whenever he uses it, he has an earpiece in. I couldn’t eavesdrop if I wanted to.
A large shadow passes by, causing another shiver as I clench my eyes shut. I force a few deep breaths. It doesn't slow my racing heart. Clutching my drink, I drain half of it before I peer around.
Everything appears exactly as it did twenty seconds ago. Everything is fine. I glance down at my toes, my new French pedicure peeks out from my wedge sandals. Everything is fine.
“I’m still not getting an answer from Velasquez.”
“He’s with Dorian. I’m sure they’re fine,” Hector says, staring more at a blond in a bikini strolling by than at his partner.
Kane shakes his head. “It’s not like him. He knows the plan.” He messes with the gadget some more. “Anyone got a read on Carlos?”
I force my attention away from the two. It’s not my place. As I raise my glass to my lips, a huge boom echoes from several blocks behind me. In a flash, both Hector and Kane hop up.
My drink crashes to the ground as I scream.
Two more shots echo around us, followed by tires squealing.
“I got a read on him,” Kane declares, looking at his phone while Hector scans the area, “tracked his phone. He’s not at any of the new sites on the windward coast. He’s on the leeward side.”
“Shit,” Hector shakes his head. “Fucking kids, don’t know what’s good for them. Suppose we need to go get them.” He grumbles some more, pausing when his eyes land on me. “Think she can find her own way home?"
Kane runs one hand across his shaved head, the other gripping his phone like a vice.“You lolo? Damien would have our heads. We can drop her off first. Then get the kid.”
“You serious?” Hector scratches the back of his neck, staring at the congested road. “It'll take longer to drive than if she just walks.”
I blink and Kane stands right in front of me. “Kalena, we need to drop you at the condo.” He points in the opposite direction of the gunshots.
“Kalena,” my name echoes around me as he waves his hands in front of my face. But, I barely hear him. I barely see him as everything turns dark.
“We’re taking Dove back to the nest. Can anyone reach Velasquez?" Kane’s voice rings through the fog.“Shit.” He runs his hand across his smooth head one more time before pocketing his walkie-talkie. “Yo, Hector, bring the car around.”
“Damn spoiled princess,” the other guard mutters under his breath. “It's not even a mile away.” He shakes his head, but jogs off toward the parking garage .
A few other people scream, more run by in a chaotic swarm. I'm shoved in the back of a black SUV. Kane climbs in the passenger seat as Hector merges into traffic. Despite all the other cars, he weaves in and out of the palm tree-lined roads. I fly across the leather backseat every time he corners another hairpin turn.
Sirens blare, a blur of flashing lights pass by as the SUV screeches to a halt in front of a tall, glass skyscraper, The Hoku. I’m jerked forward, nearly hitting my head against the seat in front of me.
In another second, I'm standing outside as the black Audi peels away. My knees wobble. My heart pounds inside my chest as I watch the SUV disappear around the corner.
Gone. Alone.
I scan the surroundings for anyone else, but only notice one person a block away. Staring right at me. Even though he's dressed in a bright, floral print button-up, I can't tell what color it is. Everything blurs, darkening. All I can focus on are the tribal tattoos sneaking out from his sleeves. Swirls and stylized patterns I would know anywhere.
He’s supposed to be on Maui.
I stumble back a step. He licks his bottom lip. Everything turns even darker. Everything but those lips. His fingers. His touch. A hot chill races up my spine.