“I’m not that stupid Em, please give me some credit. But the thing you need to ask yourself is, why did you agree to this in the first place?”

I briefly looked around me and back at my childhood memories, “Because I get what’s rightfully mine. Nothing else.”

His mouth pulled into a smirk and he lifted an eyebrow as he nodded, “We’ll see.”

I grabbed both of my cases and opened each door until I found the right bedroom and carried on in.

Once I was settled back in and changed out of my work clothes into a pair of leggings and a baggy sweater, I shot a text off to Kellie.

Well, I’m back home. It’s strange seeing all my clothes hanging in the wardrobe, even more seeing them hanging next to Troy’s.

I sighed as I clicked send and held it in my hand as I made my way down the stairs. I wandered down the hall and into the kitchen. It didn’t take long to get a feel for the house again. It’s weird, I felt like a stranger in my own father’s house. Admittedly, I’d been gone ten years and didn’t make any effort to come back here even when Dad and I started to have contact again. There were too many memories here for that.

I put my phone down, clicked on the kettle and turned my back to the counter as I waited for it to boil. There had been changes made. It was a little more modern than when Dad was alive and I was still living here. It used to be more of a country house kitchen with a rustic theme, an aga sat on one wall delivering heat all day. Now though, it’s more modern. I wonder what my mum would think? She loved this kitchen. I used to find her sitting at the large dinner table while she cooked, reading a book, or a magazine.

A tear filled my eye and the kettle clicked off, bringing me back out of my memories. After searching for the cups, I found them in one of the cupboards overhead and dropped a tea bag inside and made my tea. With my cup in hand, I started walking from the kitchen and down the hallway. My feet carried me to the other side of the house. I stood outside the room and twisted the handle. As I pushed the door open, the first thing I saw was my paintings from when I was younger still lining the walls. I smiled a real smile. One of those that makes you shine a little brighter from inside… I sighed as I stepped over the threshold and placed my cup down on the unit in the corner.

There was still an easel set up in the corner and the paints were on a stand, it was like I never left, apart from the paints were new. I whirled around and came face to face with Troy. I gasped slightly and my free hand covered my pounding heart. “You seriously need to stop sneaking up on me.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” He grinned. “Does this room bring back any memories? It does for me.”

He looked so smug, “I have loads of good memories in this room,” I smirked and looked him dead in the eye, “probably the only room. Unfortunately, they came to an end the day you took my virginity and stopped giving a fuck about me.”

With determined steps, I started for the door. He grasped my arm as I passed him and spun me back to him. His fingers gripped my jaw and his lips crashed to mine. His kiss was hard as he forced his tongue through the seam of my lips. For just a split second, I thought about leaning into the kiss but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Maybe it was the nostalgia of kissing me in this room, who knew? Instead, I forced myself to tear my mouth away from him and shoved him backwards.

“Did that feel like I don’t give a fuck about you, Em?”

“You have a very funny way of showing it if you do.”

“I’ve always had feelings for you, Emily.” He frowned.

I heard the emotion in his voice but I’d fallen for that once before.

I stepped up, my chest brushed his and my teeth grazed my bottom lip as I contemplated my comeback, “There’s just one problem with that though, Troy. I never knew whether you were telling the truth or not. I mean let's be honest with ourselves, I don’t even think you know the truth.” I reached up and ran my nails through the stubble around his handsome face, “I mean there was one time I really thought you were telling me the truth but that memory was obliterated when you ghosted me.” I shrugged. “Do you remember when you called me beautiful? I really thought that was genuine, but I realised it was just to make me feel good.” My breath hitched, the memory was so vivid in my mind, it still hurt. “Back then I held onto your every word. I thought I was so lucky…”

He swallowed and his jaw tensed, “I did mean it. I still think you’re beautiful, only now you’re more beautiful.”

“Don’t bullshit me, Troy. I don’t need to hear your empty compliments anymore to make me feel good about myself.” I cut him off, “I gave you everything…” I didn’t want to hear anymore.

“I couldn’t betray your father, and if he’d known about us, I can’t even imagine what he’d have done…”

“But you betrayed me, Troy! You betrayed me and my whole world collapsed.” I sucked in a breath before blowing it out, “I’d never loved anyone in my life, but I loved you…”


“I’m not sure what your goal is to have me here for six months.”

His head dipped as he leaned down until his face was in my space, “I’m going to prove to you that I’m not the person you think I am,”

“Yeah… good luck with that.” My mouth tugged into a smirk. He brushed my bottom lip with his thumb and his other hand wound around the back of my neck and tugged me closer. Everything happened so fast as his lips crashed against mine. I should have walked away when I had the chance, this is the second time he’d kissed me in a matter of minutes and my resolve was waning, fast. Our mouths moulded as one and every nerve ending in my body was coming alive, but I couldn’t do this, I couldn’t get hurt again. I didn't trust him enough to give him the chance. I tried to pull my lips from his but he held me tight and devoured me. By the time he released me we were both breathless and my body was on fire. I needed rest, physically and mentally. I’d had enough of this tête-á-tête. I swiped the back of my hand across my lips, “Goodnight, Troy,” and left him standing there.

Chapter Eleven


She walked away from me again, well she almost ran away from me. I don’t think she could walk any quicker without physically running. Did she really hate me that much? Or could she be swayed? I was beginning to think that I could bring her round to my way of thinking. But then, she also said she loved me back then… I was selfish. All I was bothered about was power. Only Mitch could bring me that and I didn’t care who I hurt in the process, including Emily. She should have been the one person I protected, but I didn’t. I’ll always hate myself for that.

I went back downstairs and poured another drink. I should leave Emily to calm down before I go back upstairs… maybe let her fall asleep without her being stressed. We can’t say a word to one another without it turning into a small war of words. I clutched my glass and circled my wrist, the amber liquid swirled around inside the glass and I lifted it to my lips then knocked it back in one gulp. Then I decided to go back on my own words. Giving in just wasn’t my style, I made this happen so I was going to show her I meant business. I took the empty glass to the kitchen and made my way upstairs.