As I neared the gallery my stomach rumbled, I remembered that I hadn’t had breakfast. I pulled into my parking spot, grabbed my handbag and went inside the gallery.
Kellie was on the front desk staring at the computer screen as I entered. “Oh hey, Em.”
I lifted a hand and waved. “Give me five minutes. I need hot coffee, a slice of toast and then I’m all yours.” I told her as I quickly strode past her.
I dropped my bag down on the side and placed some bread into the toaster while I made us both a coffee. I took my phone out and still ignored the unopened message, and as I put it down on the side another came through and flashed across the top.
Are we playing games again, Emily?
Ugh, what more did he want from me? I’d agreed to his proposition, I’d uprooted myself and all he’s bothered about is a fucking text? “Fuck off.” I whispered to my phone as I buttered my toast. I folded it in half and ate it as fast as I could. It wouldn’t be very professional shovelling toast down my throat if a customer walked in. As soon as I swallowed the last bit I lodged my phone beneath my arm, picked up both cups and went out the front.
As I passed Kellie the cup, I removed my phone and placed it behind the desk.
“Wow, you look tired.”
“No not tired, this my friend is called wine flu.”
“What happened?” She sighed and sipped on her coffee.
“Sit down, you’ll need it.” She slipped behind the desk and took a seat and I followed suit. I looked into her pretty hazel eyes and sighed, “I’m not sure you’ll believe me anyway.”
“Try me.”
“Okay. Troy Parker happened.”
Kellie knew all about Troy. She knew about when we were younger and she knew what he’d done, but the main thing she knew was how I felt about him, so this was gonna shock the shit out of her.
I launched into the rundown of my day. From the moment I rolled out of bed, right down to the minute I went to bed drunk. My coffee cup was empty by the time I’d finished and I was ready for more. Luckily, we kept fresh coffee out in the gallery for customers in case they wanted some so I went and filled my cup. I added one of those little sachets of sugar. I thought the sugar kick may do my hangover good. The bell sounded above the door at the other side of the gallery. I threw the wooden stirrer and sugar packet in the bin next to the table and went over to put my coffee down to see if it was a customer.
“So, what’s happening? Are you going to live with him?”
As I leaned on the desk I heard footsteps behind me, so I pushed forward and prepared to answer her, but she looked past me with her eyes wide.
“I hope she answers you quicker than she answers me,”
What the hell is he doing here? Kellie’s mouth pulled into a thin line, she tried to smile but I could tell she didn’t know what to do for the best. Her gaze flicked between me and Troy, before she stood up.
“Hi, I’m Kellie. I’m Emily’s best friend. It’s good to meet you finally. I’ve heard a lot about you.” I closed my eyes; he couldn’t see me because I still had my back to him. I didn’t want to look at him yet. Kellie walked around the desk.
“Traitor,” I whispered again.
“Pleased to meet you, Kellie. I have to say I haven’t heard anything about you, but I’m sure Emily will fill me in. After all, there’s plenty of time to get to know Emily’s friends now.”
I spun around and faced him, mouth twisted up and my eyes narrowed at him.
She quickly glanced between us, “Okaaaay,” I guessed she could feel the rising tension. “I think I heard someone round the other side, I’ll just go check.” She scurried off, her heels clicked on the tiled floor and my hands fell to my hips. “What do you want, Troy?”
He walked around me and sat behind the desk and crossed his legs.
“I’ve told you what I want, but when you didn’t answer me, I thought I’d come to you.” He smiled and if it wasn’t for the fact that my stomach fluttered with butterflies, I'd have probably smacked him.
Chapter Nine
She had that glint in her eye. I loved her spark and if I knew nothing else about her and had only just met her, just that would have made me interested in her, but I do know her and I know she’s only ignoring me to piss me off. To get me fired up; it’s the way she works. Only she's not that seventeen-year-old kid anymore. I’m a thirty-five-year-old man that knows what he wants. I have money, I have a legitimate business that does very well and I have cars, the only thing I don’t have is someone to share it with. Of course, I could find anyone to share my bed with but I didn't want just anyone, I wanted her and if this was the way I’m going to get her to agree then so be it.