She sighed but turned around and reached up into the cupboard. The top she was wearing rose up, giving me the pleasure of seeing her soft skin. I knew how her skin felt beneath my fingers and I knew how it tasted. My mouth watered and I wanted to touch her again. The glass hit the counter and broke me from my trance. She poured me some wine and held it out for me, “Do you want me to come and fetch it from you, I was told to stay where I was…”
“You’re a dick, you know that?”
I cocked my head and she huffed but brought it over to me anyway. I took my wine from her and I brushed her finger with mine. She whipped her hand back like I’d bitten her. That made me smile. I hid it behind my glass and sipped on my wine before I placed it down on the breakfast bar behind me and licked the taste from my lips. Her gaze dropped to my mouth, I wondered if she was thinking the same as me. Our gazes met, mine was hungry for more of her, I hadn’t had my fill and I doubted I ever would.
“So, what do you want?”
“Well, first I want to know why you left without at least saying bye. I mean I’m not used to being used and abused.”
“Welcome to my world.” I cocked an eyebrow at her quick response.
I nodded and slid my hands into the pockets of my joggers.
“You’ve changed clothes. Not working today?” Emily observed.
“No, my workday was interrupted. I thought I’d take the afternoon off and take a shower.” I walked towards Emily and stopped just inches away. I leaned forward and rested my weight on my hands and gripped the counter, “Of course I’d have loved to have kept your scent on me all day.”
Her lip curled, “You’re disgusting.” I winked at her and leaned back.
“I have a proposition for you, Em?”
“Proposition…?” her eyebrows met in the middle and creased the skin between her eyes.
“Yeah. I’m willing to negotiate if you are?”
“What do you mean?”
“I get Lancaster Inc; you get the rest.”
She slid her back along the counter so she was out of arm's reach and placed her hands on her hips as she looked me in the eye, the crease in her forehead even more prominent now.
“Hang on a moment, what if I decided I wanted Dad’s half of the business?” Her eyebrow lifted in challenge.
I smirked at her declaration; well, it was almost a snigger but I shook it off. “Oh please, Em, you wouldn’t know where to start with it and you’ve never wanted it anyway.”
“I could be a silent partner and let you run it. It’s not totally stupid.” She rolled her eyes away from me and folded her arms across her chest. Not a good thing to do when I feel so fucking horny. My gaze was drawn to her perfect breasts.
“My eyes are up here,” Emily stated and her gaze hardened. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I can. Because I’m in control.”
“Why is nothing simple with you?”
“Because life isn’t simple and to get what you want,” I moved closer to her again and she backed up to the counter. Once I was close enough, I lifted her chin with my finger until I had her full attention. “You have to work for it. You know that, you’ve worked to make your gallery a success,” She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, “I know everything about you, Emily. I’ve made it my goal to know everything about you. When you left, I knew where you were and what you were doing, but the way I see it, what's the point of success if you have no one to share your achievements with?” She swallowed hard and the pace of her breathing quickened.
“What’s in it for you?” she lifted an eyebrow and waited.
We stared at one another for a beat and I went on, “I want you to share your life with me for just six months. After six months you can leave and take your inheritance with you.”
Her eyes widened at my proposal and her mouth dropped open, “An…and what makes you think I want to be with you for six months?”
“Because sweetheart, I can see it behind those stormy blue eyes. You want me as much as I want you. I know you want me.”
“You’re just a cocky bastard who thinks he’s God’s gift to women. And if you’ve always wanted me, why didn’t you side with me against my dad when I told him about my art. Was your plan to get rid of me and work your way into his will?”
“I agree I sided with your father because I didn’t want to lose his trust, but the will, no. I never expected him to do what he’s done. Think of this as me giving back to you.”
“I don't understand. Why don’t you take what he’s left and run with it? I could’ve gone back to running my gallery and looking after myself like I have done for years.”