She stalked around to the opposite side of the bed and kissed his forehead. “Bye Daddy. I love you so much and I’m sorry we didn’t have more time together.” As she stood, the tears were evident as they streamed down her face as she walked towards the door.

“Emily, don't leave like this. Let me take you home.”

“No way,” she swiped the back of her hand across her cheeks.

“You can’t drive like that.”

“Why the hell do you care? What I do hasn't bothered you for ten years, why start acting like it does now?”

I swept up to her and stopped within millimetres and lifted her chin with my finger to look at me, “That’s where you're wrong. I know a lot about you. I know where you work, I know what you do.” It was probably wrong to say this here, but here goes, “And I remember every little detail about you.” Curling my fingers, I reached out and shifted some hair from her beautiful face and pushed it around her ear. She moved her head to the side and my hand dropped into thin air.

“I’m arranging the funeral. At least give me that.”

I nodded and reached inside my jacket pocket and pulled out a business card. “Take that. You can get me on either of those numbers. If you need money, please don’t hesitate to call me.”

“Ugh,” her top lip curled, “I don’t need your money.” She snatched the card from my fingers though and reached around to her back put it in her back pocket. At least I hoped she did.

She spun away from me and walked out. I couldn’t help but notice the sway in her hips even in the casual attire she was wearing - she looked sexy as fucking hell. I waited until she had disappeared around the corner and I turned back for one last look at Mitch.

“I promise I’ll look after her, Mitch.” On those last words, I turned away from him and left the hospital room. I nodded to the nurses as I walked past and quietly thanked them.

* * *

It didn’t take much for my head to be flooded with memories of Emily once I was home and laid in bed. I reached both hands behind me, joined my fingers together and cradled my head.

The painting I’d bought recently hung on the wall directly opposite my bed. I placed it there for a reason. So every time I looked at it I had a piece of Emily Lancaster. Another piece of her. God, as much as I’m a hard-headed arsehole, she could still bring me to my knees. The day she walked away from me and her father is still at the forefront of my mind and as clear as the day it happened.

Shouting emerged from Mitch’s office so I went down the corridor to investigate. Through the crack in the door, I could see Emily was standing in front of her father’s desk, her fists clenched tight at her sides.

“I don't want to take over the business. I know nothing about stocks and crap or businesses that are about to go bust. I don’t know about shitty mergers either, that’s your thing and Troy’s, not mine. I want to paint. I want a gallery.”

“I’ve told you more than once Emily, it’s a pipe dream, this,” his hand whirled around him, “this is what matters. Your legacy. If you don’t accept it, you’ll get nothing.”

“Dad! You can’t do that. You haven’t even seen what I can do. I’m really good.” A frustrated sigh fell from her lips, “Just take a look at least, I can fetch them for you now.”

As she looked around the office our eyes met through the door. “Troy has seen my paintings.” She moved toward the door and opened it fully. “Tell my father that you’ve seen them and you agree that I should follow my heart.”

I felt like a deer stuck in the headlights. I couldn’t betray Mitch. He was my boss. He doesn’t even know what’s between us. No, I had to do what was best.

I stepped inside the office and stood away from Emily, as Mitch set his sights on me with a stern glare. “I have no idea what Emily's talking about, Mr. Lancaster.” I was twenty-five when I started working for Mitch, Emily was nineteen. If Mitch knew I was the one that took her virginity he’d sack me, and I’ve worked too hard in gaining his trust to be slung out onto the street now. I swallowed and shoved my hands into the pockets of my suit trousers. It saved me from wiping my sweaty palms on my trousers from nervousness. Emily was home on her end-of-semester holidays; I think she was hoping he’d changed his mind. We’d had six months apart; it was hard to look at her and not feel something for her.

I felt her eyes on me but I couldn’t look at her.

“You can leave now, Troy.”

“Sir.” I nodded.

I never heard anymore. I made my way from the office and to the other side of the house, away from him and Emily. The look of betrayal killed me more than I wanted to admit.

I closed my eyes. I wanted rid of my memories but my mind strayed back to that very day…

I heard the sound of wheels being dragged along the floor and I got up from my chair in the study to see what it was. What I saw wasn’t what I expected.

“Emily?” She dragged her suitcase and a smaller holdall behind her and her handbag hung from her shoulder. “Where are you going?”

“Leave me alone, Troy. In fact, I never, EVER, want to see you again. How could you do that?” Her voice got louder as she moved further along the hallway and stomped away. She stopped suddenly and whirled around, dropped the handle of her case, backtracked and pointed her finger at my chest. “First you treat me like nothing after you have sex with me and told me that you loved me…”

I looked around and hoped Mitch wasn’t nearby, “Shhh,” I reached out to put my finger over her lips but she slapped my hand away.