“Yes,” I answered immediately. I had no idea of the time; all I knew was I needed to be at his side. My father and I had never had the best relationship but we were getting better. He understood my work now and he understood me more than he ever had. I scrambled out of the sheets still with the phone to my ear. “Erm… what ward is he on?”

“Okay, just make your way to A&E, tell the receptionist on the desk that you’re here and someone will come out to get you.”

“Thank you so much. Is he okay? I know it’s a stupid question,” My eyes rolled as I said it, why do we do that?

“He’s critical at the moment Ms Lancaster, but we’re trying to stabilise him.”

A tear rolled down my cheek as I swallowed past the lump in my throat. “I’m o… on my way.” My chin trembled as I took the phone from my ear and threw it down on the bed. My stomach ached with a sick feeling and my breathing quickened through the ache in my chest. I dropped to sit on the mattress and covered my heart with my hand as I tried to breathe. One in and one out until finally they were even enough for me to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of jeans and slipped on my Converse before I rummaged through a drawer to grab a t-shirt.

Once that was on, I pulled a hoodie over the top, slipped my phone into my back pocket, and ran downstairs. I grabbed my keys from the table by the door and was out and locked up in seconds.

The drive to the hospital was quick. It’s only a twenty-minute drive during busy periods so being the middle of the night, I arrived in no time, which I was more than glad about when tears kept pricking at my eyes. I parked my car at the top of the road and ran towards the Accident and Emergency entrance. There was a queue at the desk as I stepped through the doors, I wiped my eyes with the heel of my hand and took my place at the back. I wished for them to disappear so I could get to the front. I was antsy and I couldn’t keep still. The sick feeling was still there in the pit of my stomach and as my toe tapped on the floor, I thought about asking the people in front of me to move aside so I could jump ahead of them. Surely this was more important?

My toe tapped on the tiles as the queue moved along at snail's pace. I started to get annoyed. There was a receptionist booking patients in and one just looking at her nails, obviously they’re more important.

“Excuse me?” I called through the glass but she didn’t hear me. I tried again, but this time I was a little bit louder, “Excuse me.'' The woman that was booking in patients looked up at me but the other one was totally oblivious.

“I’m sorry hon, but you’ll have to wait your turn. We’re very busy.” I don’t think she realised how much I wanted to bang my fist on the glass and shout at the other woman and tell her to get off her bloody lazy arse and help her colleague out. I looked around the people in front and saw the other desk which was set up for Urgent Care and went over to that one instead.

The young woman, maybe the same age as me, sat up straighter and smiled, “Can I help you?”

“Yes. My dad was brought in earlier. I don't know what time or even if he’s still alive…” my voice caught in the back of my throat as I attempted to get the words out. Before I knew it, I was full-on sobbing. An arm came around me, I didn't realise she’d even left her chair to come and comfort me. “It’s okay. Tell me your father’s name.”

I sniffed back my emotions and tried to compose myself, I took a few deep breaths and wiped my eyes. “Mitch Lancaster.” A shudder tore through me as I sighed.

“Okay sweetheart, you sit here,” She passed me a tissue from the box on the counter and I thanked her as I took it, “I’ll go and see what I can find out.”

I smiled up at her, “Thank you so much.”

“I’ll be as quick as I can.”

I watched her walk away as I wiped my eyes and nose. I didn’t realise it would hit me this hard, but then why wouldn’t it, he was my father and I loved him. We’d made up over the years and had buried some of the hatchets. We were finally working through our issues. To have him taken from me now would be just cruel. It had been my dad and me for years. I was a rebellious teenager and he was way too overprotective but he loved his work more than he loved me. The business took priority. It'd taken a long time to see we were both to blame for our relationship. I smiled inwardly at the memory of our afternoon lunches; he’d even been to some of the big gallery showings I’d had at the museum. As a teenager, I’d constantly argued with him over the business. My heart belonged to art. It was all I ever wanted to do. He didn’t really want me to take over anyway. He already had someone in mind for that, but I refuse to let my mind wander off to Troy Parker just yet though. I haven’t seen him for years and I like it that way.

I pushed forward and leant down to rest my elbows on my knees and cupped my face in my hands. I silently cried in my seat, the ache was still there in my tummy so I folded my arms around my middle and hugged myself.

A soft tap on my shoulder had me sitting up straight, it was the same girl as earlier. “Ms. Lancaster?” I nodded. “Would you like to come with me?”She’d found him, I thought as she smiled sadly.

I quickly wiped the moisture from my face and got up out of my chair. Her hand gently guided me through a door and towards a small room. Once we were alone in the corridor, she stopped me and I turned to face her. Her eyes were full of pity. “I’m so sorry, Ms. Lancaster… your father passed away a little while ago.”

“NO!” The ache in my stomach worsened and I could feel my knees giving way beneath me. The tears were back in full force as I sobbed for everything I’d lost. Somewhere around me, I heard a door close and before my arse hit the floor, I felt strong arms wrap around my back and I was pulled to my feet. My world had spun on its axis.

“I’ve got her. Thank you.”

I knew that voice, it was as familiar as day, but I couldn’t remember it being so deep. My cheek snuggled into the firmness of his chest and his scent enveloped me. It felt like home. I clung to his shirt and cried as his hand reached around and cradled the back of my head. “That’s it, cry it out Em.” I was too far gone to listen to him, I was too upset to even care. The little comfort he offered was nice. I hadn’t had a cuddle - a proper cuddle for years. His arms wrapped tighter around me as loud sobs tore from me. I heard the nurse's voice saying she’d give us a few moments and come back. I tried to stop crying but I couldn’t. The tears were falling continuously, yet he just held me. I was so embarrassed. How can I look this person in the face after I’ve cried all over him? Finally, I took a deep breath in and it shuddered through my chest as I let it out. I lifted a hand to my face to wipe away my tears before I lifted my head. There, looking right at me were the dark eyes I used to dream about. Only they were older, wiser, sharper even. Troy Parker. His stubbled jaw tensed as he stared back at me and all the old feelings I had came flooding back; anger, hurt… the already fractured pieces of my heart became a fissure. I had to protect it.

I swiped the loose hairs from my face and tried to pull myself together as I sucked a breath into my lungs. I stood up, straightened my hoodie and walked to the other side of the room to look out of the window. Not that there was a view, all I could see was the opposite block but I’d rather look at a brick wall than bring myself to look at him again.

“How long have you been here?’

“About an hour.”

“How?” I asked as I spun back around.

I scrutinised him. His good looks hadn’t changed, in fact he was more handsome now than he ever was. I know it’s been ten years but Jesus, no man should be THAT good looking. The artificial light caught his blue eyes and his dark hair was shorter than it used to be, but the rough, stubbled look was still the same. It’s no wonder no other boy matched up to him, or any man since. My gaze drifted towards the door and back to him again. “How did they have your number?”

“Maybe we shouldn’t get into this now.” He stood from the chair and slipped his hands into his trouser pockets.

As he took a few steps towards me, I held up my hand effectively halting him. “Stop there.” I swallowed and prayed that the nurse would come back. He carried on anyway, Troy Parker never cared about people's boundaries and he obviously hadn’t changed. My father had taught him well. His very own Mini-Me. He must’ve been so proud. The thought had me twisting up inside.