Wicked Proposal


Chapter One



“Why don’t you ever listen to me?” I shouted at my dad. I didn’t ever answer him back, but I’d had enough of being told that my dreams were worthless and the only way I was going to succeed was to take over his business and carry on his good name. Why didn’t my dreams matter? I wanted to paint. My dream was to own a gallery one day, to be amazing at my own craft, not be made into a snob that has someone drive me around everywhere and call me ma’am. Was it really too much to ask?

“Your mother would’ve wanted what was best for you.”

My heart broke at the mention of my mum and my mouth dropped open. My mum passed away when I was twelve so, it hurt for him to say that. I knew for a fact that my mum would’ve wanted me to follow my heart. She had such a sweet soul. She was the one that always said, ‘Don’t settle for anything less than you really want. Know your worth.’

My heart raced as I struggled to find a reply, “Don’t throw Mum in my face. You can’t make me change my mind just because she’s not here to give her blessing one way or another. That’s just cruel.”

“Oh grow up, Emily,” his fist came down on the desk in a loud thud, his voice almost as loud as it bounced off the walls of the small office. “You’re almost an adult now, so these silly hobbies need to take a back seat.”

My fists balled at my side and my lips pursed, “No.” I stood firm and defied him. I had no intention of letting him kill my one true calling.

“Excuse me,” His head topped to the side, “I don’t think I heard you right?”

I wrung my hands together and cocked my hip. “I said no. I don’t think it’s fair that you’re trying to take something away from me that I love doing. How many people do you know that actually became what they wanted to be without a diversion first?”

His mouth thinned into an angry line and his eyes narrowed, but I didn't care, “Emily…?” There was a warning in his tone, but it made me even more adamant. He couldn’t force me to do something I didn’t want to do.

The door opened behind me, and I knew it was Troy. My posture faltered and my shoulders sagged a little as I turned and caught his eye. His hair was just perfect and his immaculate, arched eyebrows framed his dark eyes. My heart did that little fluttering thing every time he was around. Although, Dad had no idea I felt that way about Troy. He’d been working here for at least a year and had become Dad’s right-hand man in that time. He’d trained him well.

At twenty-five, Troy was older than me by a few years. I shouldn’t have felt like this but I couldn’t help it. He was nice to me when my dad wasn’t, and I lusted after him. The age gap wasn’t a concern to me, Troy had a way of making me feel special. He told me to follow my dreams and not let anyone hold me back; I knew he was right. Deep down in my heart, I knew what I had to do. But if Dad had found out how special Troy was to me, he’d have got rid of him and watched me like a hawk. Troy and I got along so well.

I turned my head and looked at the gorgeous man next to me. My gaze was trained on the tips of his fingers as they rubbed the stubble that covered his strong, square jaw and I swallowed the small amount of saliva I could conjure up.

Troy sidled up beside me and a small smile tipped the corners of his lips. I felt stronger with him at my side, like I could take on the world, not just Mitch Lancaster. He treated me like an adult with my own hopes and desires; like I was special. My heart skipped with every bit of attention he laid on me. Our arms brushed as he stood next to me and just that tiny bit of closeness helped.

In the last couple of months, we’d become much closer.

“If you don’t do as I ask,” my dad sharply interrupted my dreamy thoughts, “then you’ll have to stand on your own two feet and get a job to support yourself!”

My neck snapped sharply to the front and my teary gaze met hardened eyes. A lump formed in my throat, I found it difficult to swallow as tears welled in my eyes. I couldn’t say anything else; I couldn’t find my voice. Short, sharp gasps fell from my lips as my temper built. Troy placed his hand on my back and rubbed it softly, Dad couldn’t see as we were standing so close, but it didn't provide any comfort, not this time. Instead, I turned and marched out of the door. “Emily!” My dad's voice boomed after me and echoed through the hall like it was following me, but when my feet couldn’t lead me away fast enough, I started running, right through to the other end of the house and into my room, the only room I felt any comfort in. This room used to be a playroom when I was little, as I grew up and became obsessed with art and painting, it became my art room. I had everything in here. Canvasses, paints... I’d even hung some of my own paintings on the wall. It helped to keep my dream alive and inspired me to achieve it.

I slammed the door shut and turned the lock. One good thing about my dad, he never came after me. Even I knew I wasn’t that important.

I sat in the corner of the room and dropped my head to my bent knees and cried. I hated that he didn't listen to me.

When a sequence of knocks sounded at the door, I knew it was Troy. I scrambled up and quickly tried to dry my face as I turned the lock. He knew I’d be here. This is where he used to find me after every drama that occurred in my life. An argument with my dad, a bad grade… every emotional breakdown that all teenagers have. After one look at me, he took me in his arms and held me. “I’m so sorry, Em.” His palm engulfed the back of my head as his thumb swept back and forth in a soothing pattern. “I tried to get him to listen to me, but you know what your dad’s like.” With my cheek rested against his chest, I nodded to acknowledge that I’d heard him. I let it all out as his lips pressed against my head. “If it means anything I think your paintings are amazing, he just can’t see past wanting what’s best for you.”

I leaned back and frowned, “But this is best for me, Troy. I don’t want the business. I want to be my own person.” Tears trailed down my cheeks, and gently he swiped them away with his thumbs. He walked us backwards and kicked the door shut, just in case my dad did something completely out of character and came to look for me. He twisted around and turned the lock again.

“You go to Uni soon, maybe when he sees that you’re doing so well he’ll change his mind.”

“Do you think he will? I mean come on Troy, you’ve been here for almost a year, has he ever let up when we’ve butted heads before?”

Our gazes collided and he shook his head in reply. In an instant, his lips were on mine. It was different from the other times we’d kissed, there was more heat, so much more passion and I knew I was ready. I was ready to give myself to him.

I dragged my lips from his and breathed, “I want you to be my first, Troy.”

“Are you sure? I can wait as long as it takes until you’re ready. You know I want what’s best for you.”His soft eyes blinked as he smiled.